Based on member feedback and the desire to always improve our website experience, we have updated the way you navigate pages on member portfolio galleries. We have removed the “LOAD MORE” button at the bottom of the page and replaced it with easy-to-...
Announcing the Art Wanted BLACK FRIDAYish SALE! Why is there an "ish"? Because this sale does not just start/end on Black Friday, the savings continue through Nov. 30th. Here are the details...
We are offering our biggest sale of the year on our...
We invite all ArtWanted members to submit their artwork to the upcoming 2022 Holiday Gallery, which will go live on Dec. 1st, 2022.
The annual holiday gallery contains images of Christmas, the nativity, Santa, elves, presents, snow, candy and eve...
Many of our artist members have already created their 2023 wall calendars to sell. We wanted to build something new this year to help these artists promote their new calendars on social media and bring in additional buyers. We are excited to announce...
Just a few weeks ago we launched our 2023 calendar product where our members can create and design a wall calendar for free and sell it to earn extra money. (Learn More)
We've already had many artists sell their new calendars to their fans and we ...
The “Daily Uploads” page is one of the most popular pages on ArtWanted, because you can see all the new art that is posted each day by our members. Visitors to ArtWanted can quickly view all the new artwork and the artists that posted it. It’s also ...
All ArtWanted artists can now create and sell their own personalized 2023 wall calendars that feature your own artwork/photos!
This calendar product has received great feedback over the years from our members about the quality of the paper and pr...
Every year in October we have some fun for Halloween. We create a special gallery full of scary, creepy, haunted Halloween images to display. This gallery grows every year and includes thousands of great images from our members. This special "Haunt...
We want you to LIKE more images! We want you to BOOKMARK more favorite images! We want you to FOLLOW more artists! We want YOU to get more image likes, bookmarks and followers, too!
We have just made several updates to ArtWanted to hopefully enco...
We have just added a FREE UPGRADE for all ArtWanted members to custom sort your portfolio images in your desired order!
By default, your portfolio images are sorted from most recent to oldest image. However, using this new drag-n-drop feature in...
ArtWanted is excited to kick off our exciting NEW partnership with Toroblocks! The leading worldwide copyright registration, monitoring and protection service with customers from more than 145 countries.
For years we have heard about artists ge...
This week we have made some updates to the ArtWanted home page as well as the Art Feed page. Here are the details of the recent changes that were made.
Home Page Changes
We wanted to update the home page of to include more artwor...
We are all watching the price of gas, groceries, services, real estate and everything else increase due to inflation. It’s hard to see our hard-earned money disappear from our wallets more quickly than ever before. While the rest of the world is rai...
Did you know that you can post images to your ArtWanted portfolio by simply sending us an e-mail? It's true! You can do this from your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Here is how it works...
Steps to Upload Images via E-Mail
We are happy to announce two new upgrades to ArtWanted that have been requested by many of our members. These upgrades apply to those that are selling their art on ArtWanted.
1. Buyer Contact Information
Each time you get a sale on ArtWanted, ...
At this time every year, we exhibit a special gallery at ArtWanted full of joyous holiday images. The 2021 ArtWanted Holiday Gallery is now live!
The annual holiday gallery contains images of Christmas, the nativity, Santa, elves, presents, snow, ...
All ArtWanted artists can now create and sell their own personalized 2022 wall calendars that feature your own artwork/photos!
This calendar product has received great feedback from our members about the quality of the paper and printing. We invi...
Every year in October we have some fun for Halloween. We create a special gallery full of scary, creepy, haunted Halloween images to display. This gallery grows every year and includes thousands of great images from our members. This special "Haunt...
As an artist or photographer, your creative works are part of you and worth protecting from unauthorized use by others. Since the beginning of ArtWanted, we have always taken steps to reduce art theft and protect the artwork of our members. We are s...
On May 28th, ArtWanted will be having a “Follow Friday” event on Instagram. The goal of this event is to get more Instagram followers for our artist members. This will happen by you following other members and in return, they will follow you back.