• Anneke Hut
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  • Added 23 Feb 2007
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Dutch Golden Age

The Dutch Golden Age converted to modern times.
Or the other way around?


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Angel Estevez 18 Nov 2014

I love to visit your Art Gallery. Always very beautiful and expressive paintings meeting. Great talent! Congratulatons Anneke. Hugs my friend ...

Artist Reply: Many thanks for the beautiful compliments, dear Angel!

Anne Whiteway 31 Aug 2014

Anneke, how fascinating. This really got my attention, that's for sure. You are so creative in your approach and concept in this, another of your many masterpieces. Smiles & blessings.l

Artist Reply: Dear Anne, thank you for the lovely compliments! :)

yves colas 22 Apr 2014

very creative and wonderfully done,superb idea and realisation.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Yves! :)

Calvin McFarlane 26 Jan 2013

oh That is Golden...well done Anneke.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Calvin! Sorry for replying so late, I missed this one. Have a happy weekend!

curtis wood 24 Jan 2013

love it!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Curtis!

Joanie Holliday 24 Jan 2013


Artist Reply: Many thanks Joanie!

marie-claire gallet 24 Jan 2013

OMG, Anneke, I just love this !!!!!!!! This is exactly what I love to do: revisiting the Old Master: and your modernversion is absolutely fantastic!!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the beautiful comment, Marie-Claire!

John Cappello 05 Oct 2012


Artist Reply: Many thanks, John!!


WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!BRILLIANT Composition!!!An Exquisite Masterpiece!!!GREAT Artistry!!!You are a GREAT Artist!!!Hope You had a Grand Birthday!!!Happy Belated Birthday,my Friend!!!Wishing You Life's Very Best Always!!!,Dee:)

Artist Reply: Dear Dee, thank you so much for the lovely Birthday wishes and also the compliments on my painting. I really appreciate it a lot!

craig moline 12 Apr 2011

Isn't that the truth. I like this a lot. It's very thought provoking and the choice of colors that you have chosen look wonderful.

Artist Reply: It's hanging in my stairways as it is quite large. I made it for an exhibition with theme The Dutch Golden Age. It was fun to paint in the style of the old masters.:) I respect them even more than I already did. Thank you for your beautiful comment, Craig.

Adrian Russell-Davies 13 Dec 2010

Great concept Anneka. It brought to mind Young Woman with a Water Pitcher by Jan Vermeer, not Pascal. I live in what was called New Holland, so that makes me an expert on such things :) Well done!

Artist Reply: I agree with you, Adrian. The whole mood is more like Vermeer, although I could never create anything close to his beauties of course! Thank you very much for your visit and very kind words!

B a r b a r a Schneider , Dipl. Designer 14 Mar 2010

FUNNY Idea !

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Barbara!

Sigridur Bachmann 23 Sep 2009

A real MAGNIFICENT art work ! " A MASTER PIECE "

Artist Reply: That's a wonderful compliment! Thank you, Sigga! :)

Elton Houck 22 Sep 2009

first I said she is done a copy of one of the dutch masters, and while running through my mind who the master might me..noticed the computer and I knew who it ws--PASCAL---BLAISE PASCAL---(MAYBE FRENCH BUT DESIGNED THE FIRST COMPUTER!!!)

Artist Reply: Elton, and I really though that you would give me the name of the old painter as I forgot who it was!! I guess I can't have it all, can I? :) Luckily Mr. Pascal delivered us Google in the end! :))

Reynaldo Villarreal 04 Apr 2009

Very creative, lovely work Anneke RV

Artist Reply: Reynaldo, thank you very much for stopping by and leaving your beautiful comments to my work! Coming from an artist as talented as you I'm very happy with them.

Ulughbek Mukhamedov 01 Apr 2009

Yes you are very original

Artist Reply: Ulughbek, thank you so much! That's a big compliment, I feel very ordinary myself.

Vasily Zolottsev 18 Mar 2009

Masterpiece, Anneke! I all over again was taken aback, and have then burst out laughing!

Artist Reply: Haha it looks funny doesn't it? It was an assignment for an exhibition, converting the Dutch golden age to modern times. Our world would have looked totally different if they would have had computers in those days! Thank you very much for your wonderful comment to my work, Vasily!

Ethan Vaughn 04 Jan 2009

this is one that brings a smile!

Artist Reply: This was for an exhibition, you should have seen the works of the others! :)) It was big fun to think about how to convert modern times into the Golden Age. Nice that it brings a smile on your face, thank you for viewing!

Patricia Brett 04 Jan 2009

Very unusual! :)

Artist Reply: Thank you for the visit and the kind comment!

Maria Mills 01 Dec 2008

This is a true chuckle! Until you really look, it's an old Dutch Master! What a sense of humor you have.

Artist Reply: Haha it was really fun to make this! I'm glad you like it, Maria. Thank you!

sandra ryan 23 Nov 2008

Love your thinking behind this, its good to mix things up a bit, and give the mind something to think about, as well as the pleasing the eye,xxxSandy

Artist Reply: Thank you for the wonderful comment, Sandra!

charles Gresalfi 14 Nov 2008

I thought your tree was great, but this old dutch picture is makes me smile again and again

Artist Reply: Glad to make you smile, Charles! :) Also glad that you like it, thank you!

Johnnie Jumper III 21 Oct 2008

Your majic looks just like art.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Johnnie, I'm glad you think so, I myself see it more as happy picture postcards. :)

suzanne kraus mancuso 28 Aug 2008

fabulous!! and oh so clever:)

Artist Reply: Hi Suzanne, nice to see you in my gallery. I'm glad you like my painting, thank you for the wonderful comment! :)

Anonymous Guest 25 Aug 2008

This lady is well ahead of the rest. The washing machine is out of sight though. Amusing picture.

Artist Reply: Yep, no washing machine, just a good dry cleaner's around the corner! :D Glad you like it, thank you for the comment, Anonymous!

vivian sellers 22 Aug 2008

ha, ha, this is way kool!!

Artist Reply: Haha makes you wonder where we would be now, if they would have had computers already back then eh? Thanks for the visit, Vivian!

margaret mckeehan 06 Aug 2008

Wonderful work, you have a lot of talent....

Artist Reply: Hi Margaret, thank you for your kind words, but when it comes to talent, all fingers point at you my friend! :D

AVE HURLEY 11 May 2008

Wow....................!!! What a concept! .. very creatively done... excellent colors and details.I actually had some Amish friends that went 'modern'.. 11 kids they had and the father learned to drive a van... [the other Amish then shunned him!]

Artist Reply: I don't think this woman necessarily needs to be an Amish woman, when I look at the old painters, these clothes were obviously rather common in those days. Although I think morals and opinions will have had quite some similarity with the Amish of today. It was a fun subject to paint for the exhibition.

Ann Howard 04 May 2008

Interesting concept. Great colors. A very unique piece.

Artist Reply: The theme of the exhibition was, convert the golden age to our modern time. I think that was the most diffcult part of the whole thing, plus that I had never worked on such a huge canvas before, which was prescribed too . I had the feeling I was painting three pictures on one canvas. lol I'm glad you like it, thanks a lot, Ann.

Douglas Larsen 14 Nov 2007

Love your humor, as well as your detail! Art et Amour Toujours

Artist Reply: "Art et Amour Toujours", what a lovely phrase that is, I will remember it. Thanks for stopping by, Douglas.

James Duncan 04 Oct 2007

Very interesting concept to include the computor! Great painting skills in your portfolio. Thank you,James

Artist Reply: Including something of our own time into the Dutch Golden Age art was the theme of the exhibition this painting was made for, so it was fun to do so. Thank you for your kind words, James, they are very much appreciated. :)

Maria Aguilar 30 Jul 2007

I love your dutch golden era, incredible colors! The floor is great!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Maria!

Blue Doll 27 Jul 2007

This looks wonderfull...... schitterend gemaakt meis... TOP

Artist Reply: It was fun to make it, thank you for stopping by. :)

Susan Moore 26 Jul 2007

Hi, thank you for your comments on my work. This is an awesome image!!

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Susan.

Brian Morrison 16 Jul 2007

Very interesting piece, painted very well, well executed compostion, and content/symbolism which engages the viewer. well done.

Artist Reply: That are wonderful words, Brian. Thanks a lot for the visit!

Charles Jones 15 Jul 2007

I'll bet Vermeer would have done a similar treatment, though he would have reflected her face in the CRT, I wager. Great technique and a wonderful idea, Anneke. :)

Artist Reply: I think you are right, Charles. Vermeer would have done that, that's why he is the Master. :) Thank you for your beautiful comment! :)

Joanna Jungjohann 15 Jun 2007

this is really beautiful anneke

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Joanna. Great to see you here.

michelle legere 01 Jun 2007

Very thought provoking juxtaposition

Artist Reply: It took me quite some time to get there. Thank you Michelle.

Alice Pauline Jenkins 01 Jun 2007

you do some lovely work particurlary like this one Great Piece!! and very original.

Artist Reply: Hi Alice, thank you for the wonderful words.

Elf Evans 31 May 2007

Something Old, something New, something borrowed and I appreciate your creative skill, and fine images...keep 'em commin

Artist Reply: Hi Elf, that old rhyme fits really well to this painting. Thanks for stopping by.

clarissa carey 28 May 2007

oh wow...i love this one it caught me off guard with the computer which makes it very original

Artist Reply: Thanks Clarissa, your comment is original too! :)

syed abrar 26 May 2007

lol this is great really cheer me up brilliant

Artist Reply: Yeahh Sved! I love to cheer my visitors up, I'm very happy with your smile, thank you!

Andrew Hunter 24 May 2007

a first class take on the old masters like van gogh and rembrandt with a twist of 21st century modernism also wonder how these painters would cope with how we artists paint,otherwise anneke fine work

Artist Reply: I think the old artists would have loved Photoshop and all the other software. Imagine a Rembrandt in 3D! I'm very curious what that would look like, don't you? Thanks for stopping by, Andrew, always a joy to read your comments.

Vivian Gutierrez 20 May 2007

Beautiful work!!!!

Akber Moeen 15 May 2007

:) whose the host ISP for the golden age... very nice

Jarka Drechslerová 24 Apr 2007

Very beautiful work with traditionally components of Dutch masters - light, color wheel... with personality idea ... my compliments!

Karin Mc Rae 19 Apr 2007

I agree Great Concept

Gwen Lewis 18 Apr 2007

What a clever way of modernising a painting in the 'dutch interior' style; introducing a piece of such modern technology into a painting of a bygone period and managing to prevent it from 'sticking out like a sore thumb' is one heck of an achievement. Lovely 'of the time' colours and great brushwork.

Artist Reply: What a wonderful words! Thank you, Gwen!

Olga Dmytrenko 16 Apr 2007

Wow! Stylish and unique!

stephanie knight 14 Apr 2007

I really love this one, Anneke,Beautiful style!

Chien-Hua Chang 06 Apr 2007

Brilliant idea!! I love the atmosphere in your work...very very well done!

jamie winter 29 Mar 2007

fantastic, Anneke. jamie

Seth Weaver 22 Mar 2007

Charming Old Masters composition and colors with a dash of modern technology. Bravo Anneke!

Renata Cavanaugh 10 Mar 2007


William Boyer 08 Mar 2007

great job, what fun. I read your blog, check out mine if you get time

Jean M. Laffitau 03 Mar 2007

:-)) Love it Anneke! The contrast between the PC and the old masters touch is excellent!!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Jean.

dimitris voyiazoglou 27 Feb 2007

Amazing detail and great humor! I love it Anneke!

Artist Reply: I'm glad you do, Dimitris. Thank you!

Klaudia Warwel 26 Feb 2007

wow... stunning artwork. i love it :-))) superb

Artist Reply: Thank you, Klaudia.

Ruth Kauffman 24 Feb 2007

I love this picture...this is awesome work, Anneke!!!

Artist Reply: Nothing compared to yours, Ruth! Thank you very much for the visit and the kind words.

Michael Forbus 24 Feb 2007

Anneke, excellent painting of a nostalgic age. Really beautiful texture and brush work. Miguel

Artist Reply: Hi Miguel, good to see you again. Thank you!

Caroline Kelly 24 Feb 2007

Oh! I love it! Medieval times mixed with a touch of our culture today. I was drawn to the picture of the woman and didn't see the computer at first. You have such great talent. And wanted to say thank you, for your kind words about my work. Caroline Kelly

Artist Reply: You're welcome Caroline, it was a pleasure to look at your beautiful art. Thank you for stopping by.

Jerry 24 Feb 2007

Lovely Story of culture and times!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Jerry.

Cristina Marsi 24 Feb 2007

You rendered it greatly, Anneke :)

Artist Reply: Thank you for the kind words, Cristina.

helen tyralik 23 Feb 2007

lovely work

Artist Reply: Hi Helen, thank you!

Bev Chudey 23 Feb 2007

Beautiful artwork Anneke!!

Artist Reply: Hi Bev, good to see you again, thank you very much for your kind words.

terry waites 23 Feb 2007

It was the wonderful colour in this painting that caught my eye and then saw the computer, great composition, beautiful piece of work

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Terry!

Reba McDonald 23 Feb 2007

A lovely mixture Anneke.

Artist Reply: Thank you for visiting my gallery, Reba.

Joke Schotting 23 Feb 2007

Fantastic work Anneke my pic off the day!!!

Artist Reply: Whoo second time then! Thank you very much, Joke!

Olga van Dijk 23 Feb 2007

Schitterend. Love the computer in this one.... You have a great sense of humor Anneke!! Ik wens je een goed weekend toe!!XXX

Artist Reply: Hallo Olga! Dank je voor het leuke comment! Ook een heel prettig weekend toegewenst!

Martha Miller 23 Feb 2007

this is wonderful Anneke. The new and the old emerging.....love it

Artist Reply: You say it so wonderfully, Martha. Thank you very much!

Anne Vis 23 Feb 2007

Interesting concept, very creative and skillful work, Anneke!

Artist Reply: It was an assignment from the art club I'm joining, I would have never come to such a concept myself. Thank you for stopping by, Anne.

Hanna Stawska 23 Feb 2007

Fantastic work, beautifully done!

Artist Reply: Hi Hanna, thank you for your kind words.

Izabella Pavlushko 23 Feb 2007

Why not? Beautful work, well done !!! ***Izabella

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Izabella (beautiful name!).

rebecca lopez 23 Feb 2007

That's terrific!

Artist Reply: Thanks Rebecca.

Emily Reed 23 Feb 2007

looks like the photos didn't load

Artist Reply: Everyhting is working okay over here, Emily. :)

Gabriele Swanson 23 Feb 2007


Artist Reply: Hahaha Gabriele, you're quick! I couldn't even see the picture yet myself. Thank you very much!