• Olga van Dijk
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  • Added 23 May 2011
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Birds Nest

American Robins, the red breasted bird, mark the return of Spring.
The cheerful singing of the male robins wakes us up each morning

This beautiful nest we found in a tree next to our front porch: Nature at its best!
What a true work of art this is!

It's placed in the crotch of our tree 5 feet above ground. The nest is made of grasses, a middle layer of mud, then lined with fine grasses.
I will keep you posted!

Dear friends,
Due to a right hand injury I can't paint already for 5 weeks.
(spontaneous rupture of my knuckle's tendon...)
My hand is resting in an (uncomfortable) splint, trying to heal.

Copyright Olga van Dijk 2©11
This is another OLGartsProduction ©2 011

Today, May 30th I found two little birdies in the nest!


Anonymous Guest

Sandra S. Corona 26 May 2013

Gorgeous shot both times!

Joanie Holliday 30 Aug 2011

Great shot Olga.. I also had a robin with 4 eggs and watched them.. So neat. Usually three eggs and now they seem to have 4 more often.. One Great Shot. Joanie Holliday

Brenda Loveless 20 Aug 2011

what a wonderful capture these are!

Julia Scorupsky 15 Jun 2011

Great shot! How did you manage to get so high?! Hope your hand is healed already and you're back at painting!

Artist Reply: They're building nests very low!! My hand is much better, not completely healed yet, but I do so much appreciate you're asking!! Not ready to paint yet... :((

Jerie kunitsky 04 Jun 2011

Wow..This is wonderful!!

Darlene Bayne 03 Jun 2011

Fabulous capture of the Robin eggs and the baby birds. I was able to take pictures of Robins and the eggs and the little ones as they were growing.

Stanley Layman 01 Jun 2011

Happy little birds!

Tabitha Borges 31 May 2011

oh so weet

craig moline 29 May 2011

The picture looks awesome! I really like the color mix and what the picture represents. A new birth. I am also sorry to hear about your hand injury. I hope that all will heal fine.

Ingrid Kolster 29 May 2011

Beautiful photo. Amazing color of the eggs.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 28 May 2011

perfect photo of perfect beauty!

Katerina Koukiotis 28 May 2011

so aodrable!


So sorry to hear of your hand injury,my Friend!!!Great Artistic capture of such a Beautiful enviroment with the Robin's nest and beautiful blue eggs!!!BRILLIANT camera work!!!Hope you have a speedy recovery!!!Hugs...Dee

Steve Farr 24 May 2011

Thats FANTASTIC imagery, Olga!! Beautiful nature photo!!~S

KC CHANG 24 May 2011


Elaine Cruickshank 24 May 2011

What a beautiful photo, Olga. Love the colour of the eggs.

Sigridur Bachmann 24 May 2011

Absolutely awesome photo, Olga ! Great colors on this eggs..looking forward to see it later ..

Caballero Salguero 24 May 2011

Excellent concept artistic Olga, this photograph is sensational, on a always of great creativity on love, my friend, beauty and fantasy of reality.Wonderful, Pepe

Mark Adams 24 May 2011

Those eggs are an amazing colour!

kathleen thompson 24 May 2011

So beautiful Olga, hope your hand is better soon:)

Marika Antal 24 May 2011


surekha rao 24 May 2011

A bird's nest always brings a smile... LOVE this! Very beautifully shot, Olga! The Indian myna also lays blue eggs!

Dominique GUIGUES 24 May 2011

beautiful shot ! thanks for sharing Olga

Thom Roslan 24 May 2011

GREAT Capture Olga.....Just be careful "Mother" Robins are known to be ferocious when it come to their hatchling's...... Didn't know about your injury.....but just heard here......Praying for the best for you Olga !

Bev Chudey 23 May 2011

Great capture Olga!

Anonymous Guest 23 May 2011

Stefani Wehner: What a wonderful capture.........love the eye-catching blue of these eggs......and the architectural art of this nest. Thanks for sharing, dear Olga!

M Smith 23 May 2011

Such a beautiful photo of the beginning of life!

Artist Reply: YOU NAILED IT! Love and Light, Olga

Frank Maguire 23 May 2011

I commiserate with you I also have my right hand bound up (trying to be a heel ), and I would like to be painting, instead of panting in this new summer heat. You are all about nature since you got your grand daughter, but it's a lovely picture.

Artist Reply: Thank you Frank and you GOT it!!! Love and Light, Olga

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 23 May 2011

Beautiful shot of a beautiful nest of eggs. Hope your hand heals quickly...

Artist Reply: Thank You Ann! They just told me I can be half time in my splint! Happiness all over! Love and Light, OLGA

Seth Weaver 23 May 2011

Charming capture, Olga.

Artist Reply: Thank you Sett.. And you're so right.... I love the new cycle of life! Love and Light, Olga

Aqua1955 23 May 2011

It's nice to see nature doing this way. We don't have these birds as you know and to me they look like eastereggs. I hope the robin wakes you each morning with its song

Artist Reply: Kijk, dat kan alleen maar een "Aqua1955 " zo zeggen~! Love and Light, Olga!

Anneke Hut 23 May 2011

They look like Easter eggs.:) Beautiful colour, very eye catching. I hope we will see photos of the little babies soon.:) And I hope your hand will soon be healed too, dear Olga!

Artist Reply: Dank je wel lieve Anneke!! Ik zal je op de hoogte houden van deze "God's wonders"! Hope all is OK with you! ~Love and Light, OLGA

Angelina Whittaker Cook 23 May 2011

What a beautiful photograph. The colour of the egss is amazing!

Artist Reply: It's almost unreal isn't it? Mommy bird is sitting on the eggs and more will follow!

Nira Dabush 23 May 2011

Dear Olga.. I never saw these eggs, only in AW, I must say.. You are right saying : "Nature at its best! What a true work of art this is!" Thanks for sharing this marvelous photo with us. About your hand, i very much understand you and send positive thoughts your way.. as you know, i also have problem in my right hand, the finger that hold the brush.. for 8-9 weeks i did not paint, i begin again these days still with a little pains. Hope your hand heal fast.. take care my friend. XOX

Artist Reply: My dearest Nira, I know you had a problem with your hand too.... Things happen for a reason, but we don't always understand them at the time...I'm looking forward to your beautiful paintings again. Love and Light, Olga

marie-claire gallet 23 May 2011

Olga, blue is one of my favourite colors, hope these eggs will produce all kind of new blue colors !!!!!!

Artist Reply: I know... and this color is almost unreal! Thanks for your lovely comment my friend! Love and Light, Olga

José Fortunato 23 May 2011

Wonderful shot ! Nature at it's best coulors

Artist Reply: Your favorite color is blue... the blue of the ocean and the sky! Thank you so much for your lovely comment Jose!~ Love and Light, Olga

ruth sears 23 May 2011

This is beautiful and I so miss your lovely posts,all the best with the healing:)))

Artist Reply: Aaaaahhhww..... You really touch my heart, dear Ruthie... I'll be back but I need some time!Thank you for your heartwarming comment, Ruth!Love and Light, Olga

Maria Anna Machado 23 May 2011

beautiful photo...

Artist Reply: Thank you Maria Anna! Love and Light, Olga

Mary Janosik 23 May 2011

Terrific photo of a true work of art found in nature. My best to you to heal your hand. It sucks when you can't do the thing that really makes you happy. I have been outside my box lately, until my knee is in hiking shape. I'm just losing patience... :-( Take care of yourself, dear Olga!!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for your heart warming comment.Hope your knee recovers soon as well!! Love and Light, Olga