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28 January, 2017
  • Staff

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To answer your question, no there is not a way to resize the image of the blogs currently. We take it this is your idea to be voted on.

When an image is uploaded to your blog (or message boards) it will be resized to fit inside a 600x600 pixel square area, so no image should be bigger than 600 pixels in any direction.

Currently, if you would like the images to be smaller, simply resize them on your computer before you post them to a smaller pixel size, and they will show up smaller on your blog.

You can try to experiment with different sizes until you get the size you prefer, then delete your test blog posts.

27 January, 2017
  • Doris Blessington
  • 27 Jan 2017
  • 1 Comment

Original Post: Blog images - suggestion or question

Is there a way to size images on individual artist's blogs. Mine seem enormous?

If not, then I suggest that they should show up much smaller or have the ability to size them within the blog.

I would attach an image example, but it would take up at least a half page. (I am new at this)