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09 February, 2005
  • Justin Jenkins

Latest Comment...

Great idea. Also, why not have posters for sale of individual works of art..maybe let premium members sell their own posters directly from you?? But a poster concept is a great idea.

05 February, 2005
  • Staff
  • 05 Feb 2005

Original Post: Poster Idea - Need Feedback

Ok, so we have another idea that we want to get your thoughts on. There are so many great artists on our site and we are always trying to think of ideas to promote the artwork of our members. The idea we had is to create a series of posters featuring the artwork of our talented members.

These posters would be around 2x3 feet and feature between 20-40 images of a specific style or medium. For example, we could have a 'fantasy art' poster and a 'florals' poster and a 'photography' poster and so forth. The number of posters we create and the categories we select would simply be based off the demand & feedback we get.

We don't imagine that we would charge anyone to be featured on the posters, but they would be required to purchase a poster if they wanted to be featured on one. They would be high-quality posters that would really show off the talent on our site. Based off our preliminary numbers, the posters would only cost around $5-10 each.

The design would be pretty simple, mostly focusing on the artwork of the members. Perhaps it could be like the cover design of our book, only featuring more artwork.

Well, there's the pitch. Please let us know your thoughts, comments, questions, concerns, etc. As we said, this is just an idea, but we want to know what you think.