30 May, 2024
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

More Upgrades for our Art Books

We are thrilled to see so many ArtWanted artists creating printed books of their artwork and photography. We have received several requests from our members asking for new features to add to our books and we are happy to deliver on these requests.

1- Book Page Previews

One of the requests we have seen from several artists is the ability to control how many pages of the book are displayed on the book’s marketing page. Some artists didn’t want to show every page in their book to potential buyers, they wanted a little surprise for those that purchase their art book.

We are happy to tell everyone that we now have an option for you to choose how many of your interior pages you wish to display on your marketing page. You can now limit how many of the interior pages you want to display as page thumbnails. By default, we will display the first 28 pages of your book, but this can be changed to any number you like.

To change your book page preview number, visit the CUSTOM ART BOOKS page in your control panel, select your book and then click on the SETTINGS tab at the top. The new PAGES TO DISPLAY field allows you to type in how many page you want to display on your book’s marketing page.

2- Image Captions

Another request we have seen is the ability to add a text caption under each image in the book. These captions could simply be the title of the artwork or a brief description/note about the piece. We have added a new feature to allow you to add optional captions to each page in your book.

To add captions to your book images, visit the CUSTOM ART BOOKS page in your control panel, select your book and then click on the new CAPTIONS tab at the top. You will see a list of each image/page in your book and you can type the text you want to display under your image.

Please continue to send us feedback and suggestions to improve our book product. If you have not yet created a book of your own artwork, you really should! It’s free to create and you can earn money by selling copies of your book to your friends, family and fans. Learn More


1 Comment

Dale Newman 11 Jun 2024

Thank You for Listening to the members
