• Terry Harris
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  • Added 05 Mar 2006
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Spaz, the King of the Couch

This is my cat Spaz, as he is usually, hogging the couch ( or chair). He isn't always a crazed cat fighting over his blanket (see another photo posted). He is now 14 years old, and a stray kitten we found while living in Hawaii. He now is a resident of Arizona, wherehe's happy as long as he has a place to snuggle up to sleep, food to eat, and gets petted when he demands it, which is often. He's quick to steal your seat if you get up for a moment, and bite you while trying to take it back. He weighs a ton, more muscle than fat, so puts up a good battle. Also known for sitting on my keyboard and blocing my monitor if I ignore him too much. Terrorizes the puppys we have, and has cornered them before and made them wait until he was made to let them out. (Shouldn't have let him see Garfield cartoons.)

5 of 17 Comments Show All 17 Comments

Anonymous Guest

ruth sears 25 Sep 2010

awesome photo,looks so laid back.

Kathryn Arruda 16 Jan 2007

I love this kitty photo--the way he's sprawled out, slumbering--so cute & cuddly!

Anonymous Guest 08 Dec 2006

My fat Hawaiian kitty! Mom will you send me a copy? Lov u!

Artist Reply: LOL! I will try to send it out tomorrow. He thinks the couch, my chair, and my computer area is all his domain. He is doing well, and being spoiled.

Rebecca Tan 03 Jun 2006

Cats are so cute when they fall asleep XD

Artist Reply: LOL! Yes they are! This one is a sweetheart at times, crabby and demanding, and enchanting me for 14 years now.

Christine brand 21 May 2006

Goodness Terry! what an amazing cat!!! this would make a wonderful painting...I love what you said about him...Furrr OOO sus!!! How amusing and adorable...thanks for sharing him!

Artist Reply: Thanks Christina! He's such a odd cat at times! He can barely squeak out a meow, sounds like a squeaky toy.If he put his gut into it, he'd roar like a lion. He is so fat and old, he forgets he can't jump up over an armchair like he used to. I have to lift him up sometimes. He's on a diet for now. Seems he was sneaking into the kitchen and chowing down dog food, the sneak. He waited until the dogs were outside and us asleep. He's been busted. I will stop his midnight kitchen dog food raids. I will be doing some more cat portraits soon. Spaz will be in a few.