• Linda Hammar
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  • Image 89 of 128
  • Added 19 May 2012
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This Is My Street! Photo

Mr. and Mrs. Goose took over the street and the male stretched open his wings like he was declaring the street his and cars better go around them or they'll have to deal with Mr. Goose. Animals can be so amusing. Some people get irritated with all the goose droppings where a flock has congregated in a park, but on the positive, it is free fertilizer.


Anonymous Guest

Anneke Hut 21 May 2012

This is funny! :)) Beautiful birds!

Artist Reply: Thank you. I love art that makes me smile. Thought of another caption for this one: Feathered Crossing Guard

Ropati Leaso-Cobb 20 May 2012

hehe...great title and capture Linda, he seems quite adamant that it's his street alright!

Artist Reply: Thank you. Geese can be very territorial and loud chasing after you with flapping wings and loud honking. They go anywhere they want, and most people keep their distance.

Chris Roukema 19 May 2012

They are taking over the Planet! Excellent!

Artist Reply: Thank you. They do seem to be taking over the planet. I wonder how many geese there are in the United States, and how many varieties in the world? Think I'll google it.