• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 28 Oct 2007
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At Last!! A Game for the Rest of Us! - Remember when you were a kid and you just couldn't catch the ball? Humiliating wasn't it? Bad at sports was probably one of the reasons you got involved in an introverted discipline like art in the first place. Who knows, maybe if things had been different back then everything might have been better for you today - you might have even landed one of those lucrative new Kat-Ball(tm) Contracts pulling down some serious money. Well Now all of that's changed!!! Instead of fumbling the ball or even tripping over it like a complete fool and landing square on your bottom, you can be be virtually guaranteed a catch with every throw! You see the secret is - the Kat want's to be caught - you - me- anybody can be a top wide or even narrow receiver when you play KAT-BALL(tm)!!! (Please do not try this at home - Kat-Ball(tm) demonstration performed by professional athletes - not responsible for loss of eyes or need for stitches when playing Kat-Ball(tm)! - No Kat-Balls(tm) were injured in the making of this demonstration - Buy Kat-Ball(tm) at any certified Kat-Ball(tm) dealer - live Kat-Ball(tm) not included may take 4 to 6 weeks to receive Kat-Ball(tm) franchise approval - Kat-Ball(tm) a subsidiary of Doggie-Rockets(tm) International - not affiliated with any other sport or professional teams - the guy in the Footballer's costume is not who you think it is, he's just another wannabe playing... Kat-Ball(tm)!!! ~:0)


Anonymous Guest

M Smith 13 May 2011

So cute & funny!

Artist Reply: Well M - thas what Kat-Ball is all about - the kats are cute and the game is pretty funny ~:0)))

mike aeichele 25 Jul 2008

Excellent chas......got a good chuckle out of it..........send me one will ya?

Artist Reply: Yeah Mike - go long - they're a lot easier to catch than you might think!!! Ha! Thanks for stopping by - look around all you like ~:0)

manon gosselin 02 Jul 2008

Hilarious! Great Job... poor cat. Was it a touch down atleast?

Artist Reply: Thanks Manon - the real achievement in KatBall(tm) is to catch the Kat without being seriously injured - Ha! ~:0)

brenden howard 25 Jun 2008

hey poor cat ah!!! but bloody funny,nice one,

Artist Reply: Ha! Brenden, for what these Kats are paid, they can meow for their supper - That's Kat Ball(tm)!!! ~:0)

Gavin North 14 May 2008

LOL Super Kitty, this is excellent I can't stop laughing and for that Chas I thank you enough LMAO, very funny and cool, well done as always my friend

Artist Reply: Yeth-ther it's KatBall(tm) - imagine the expression on the faces of yer friends when they see you playing and winning at KatBall(tm) - remember ask for genuine KatBall(tm) products at yer local dealers ~:0)

stephanie atlee 05 Mar 2008

Oh my...the poor little kitty...i am not sure my cats would enjoy this sport much...very funny

Artist Reply: Yeah Steph, best not to form any personal relationships with pro-jock-kats playing Kat-Ball(tm)!!! thanks for the visit!~:0)

Renata Cavanaugh 13 Feb 2008

This is too funny! You have such a great sence of humor

Artist Reply: Thanks RC - to tell the truth, I thought cat-lovers would be all over me for this one - glad to see others have a good sense of humor as well - Remember, Play Kat-Ball(tm)!! ~:0)

Mary Ashton 05 Feb 2008

Awww poor pus, looks like he's on his last life:0). Mary

Artist Reply: Raowww - he's going long!!! Thanks Mary~:0)

sheila stanley-powell 03 Feb 2008

off to kitty heaven with him! you're sense of humour is just warped enough for me to appreciate. and yes that's probably why I ended up in art being the natural born clutz that i am. who needs the humiliation of being picked last(and only 'cause the coach tells them they can't leave anyone out) when you can wile the hours away in the privacy of your own room being creative and loonnngg after their athletic careers are dead and buried WE are still producing great work. nananananana.

Artist Reply: Yeah and on this, the most hallowed of all sports days (SuperBowlSunday) you can be sure to see the ultimate participation in vicarious experience - a school yard game played by millionaires - don't get me wrong, I love millionaires - hope to be one in the very near future - just can't justify the pro-game - rather support school-kid sports - just an opinion~:0)

Kathryn Arruda 28 Dec 2007

Good thing he's got nine lives lol- very funny, love his expression!

Artist Reply: Part of his expression is there because this is his ninth - he could be outta the game with this play - ~:0)

Anne Vis 20 Nov 2007

Aahh, Knor-power in action! :-)

Artist Reply: Yeah Anne - known as the game for the rest of us - Kat-Ball(tm) has proven itself to have greatly reduced dropping of the ball ~:0)

Robin Brown 02 Nov 2007

Well Chas, I was actually very good at sport as a child & young boy. I was the fastest swimmer, fastes runner, I was in the football team, the basket ball team in fact it used to get on people's nerves that I did well at almost any sport I tried. Sadly though Kat-Ball(tm) would have me beat nowadays. I'd have to start from scratch. I'm pretty sure I'd be cut up at my poor performance. Its a sad tail I know but these days I have little time for anything let alone sport of any kind. I pussy foot around all day doing mindless tasks just to earn a crust which is a real kitty. Not sure Kat-ball would go down well with those of us who love animals though. Though it has to be said, with all the tears of laughter I've just managed to get under control, your wit is 2nd to none. Many thanks for giving me a bright start to my new day Chas.

Artist Reply: Yeah Robin we never hurt any of our pretend animals - speaking of which, there's been such good rain this year that the deer are huge and their population has quadrupled - with a second set of fawns - here's the prob - because we can't count one rain like that, when the dryer weather returns there won't be enough food for that population and many of the deer will starve - the conservation society has suggested and even put out a plea to hunters to take five deer this season, preferably does since they determine deer output and mostly does exist - I'm torn on this - which in your opinion is better - starving deer or judicious harvesting? Like I said, I'm torn between the two - I've never been hunting for animals so I suppose it's all academic for me, but I thought I'd seek opinion from a like-minded person such as yourself - anywayavagoodweegendmate ~:0)

Lior Goldenberg 01 Nov 2007

Great idea, Chas! Cool game, simple and efficient. I'd still like to see a game of cats throwing people, something more like Man-Ball(tm)...

Artist Reply: Yeah that'd work Lior - I understand geneticists are working out the Man-Ball game just as soon as they've finished developing a bigger breed of cat - naturally, they'll need to breed cats that care about the game - money didn't work with them so right now they're at an impasse - here's hoping, eh? ~:0)

thea walstra 31 Oct 2007

Ohhhhh I have 5 cat-balls, so Kat-Ball stay where you are. Chas, there was a big laugh on my face when I looked at your work after reading your story. Well done!

Artist Reply: Yeah Thea you need to get up a game - just be careful of Kat-Scratch-Fever!!! Avagoodweegend ~:0)

Alex Preiss 30 Oct 2007

It sounds like something Michael Vick would be interested to participate in when he comes out of prison.

Artist Reply: Jajaja - I think you're right about that!! ~:0)

Alberto D'Assumpcao 30 Oct 2007

Agree with jean!! Great work Chas!

Artist Reply: Go out for a long one AD'A - Kat's Koming - don't worry about catching it - it will catch you!!! One owie coming up ~:0)

Jean M. Laffitau 30 Oct 2007

LOL!!! Dangerous, but fun game!! :-)))

Artist Reply: It's a game like no other - everything that plays this game is alive!!! Woo-Hoo - the man in the white coat and homburg just blew the whistle - another game is starting!!! ~:0)

Mayme Crouse 29 Oct 2007

may be a game I would be good at...........ummmmmmmm

Artist Reply: Yeah Mayme, Kats are a lot easier to catch when they want to be caught... or at least have you break their fall - akk!! ~:0)

Joke Schotting 29 Oct 2007

Great and very funny Chas!!!

Artist Reply: Joke you are too kind - Kat-Ball(tm) is fun!! And with original Kat-Ball(tm) the game is completely safe for the kat!! Love that Kat-Ball(tm) ~:0))))

Ginger Lovellette 29 Oct 2007

Hahahaha! Love it!

Artist Reply: And GL of Weloveagoodkat KY it's all made possible by Kat-Ball(tm)!!! Play Kat-Ball(tm) today!!! Just $499,999.99 OZD and you too can play Kat-Ball(tm)!!! At no time did any Kat-Ball(tm) participants have their fur rubbed the wrong way in the making of this response to Kat-Ball(tm)... ~:0)))))

jamie winter 29 Oct 2007

lol ohhhhhh noooooooooo. great one Chas

Artist Reply: And JW of Indianola Indiana it's all made possible by Kat-Ball(tm)!!! Play Kat-Ball(tm) today!!! Just $499,999.99 OZD and you too can play Kat-Ball(tm)!!! At no time did any Kat-Ball(tm) participants have their fur rubbed the wrong way in the making of this response to Kat-Ball(tm)... ~:0)))))

Lucia Stewart 29 Oct 2007

Lol...so great Chas, my husband would love to take up this sport!

Artist Reply: And LS of Precious Kitty Lane, Buckminster Fuller Village, K-bat Near London it's all made possible by Kat-Ball(tm)!!! Play Kat-Ball(tm) today!!! Just $499,999.99 OZD and you too can play Kat-Ball(tm)!!! At no time did any Kat-Ball(tm) participants have their fur rubbed the wrong way in the making of this response to Kat-Ball(tm)... ~:0)))))

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 29 Oct 2007

Kat.ball....looking at my sleeping cat now..........

Artist Reply: And NvN of Zider Zee it's all made possible by Kat-Ball(tm)!!! Play Kat-Ball(tm) today!!! Just $499,999.99 OZD and you too can play Kat-Ball(tm)!!! At no time did any Kat-Ball(tm) participants have their fur rubbed the wrong way in the making of this response to Kat-Ball(tm)... ~:0)))))

Michael Forbus 29 Oct 2007

My dear friend Chas, at the absinthe again...are we? A lovely sport but now in France I am sorry to say the team has had the front claws removed as a cosmetic precaution since the players night job is typically escorting the rich and non-ambulatory deviates about the Champ Elyse. They feast on foie gras and it makes a lovely sweat that makes the cats more comfortable slightly before launch. The long and short is the kitties had to be declawed as they were so disappointed in the lack of the feasting on innards that they began the hind leg maneuver, not to be confused with the Hindlick, and they were gashing the faces of the poor passer/escorts. Pity for the cats. Sissy passers. Great game and much excitement, but I sort of liked the claws in.....You are so very clever and a brilliant artist, why must you torment me with so much laughter. I might just get happy. My best regards to a most kind and talented friend. Michael

Artist Reply: And MF of Protuberance Puru it's all made possible by Kat-Ball(tm)!!! Play Kat-Ball(tm) today!!! Just $499,999.99 OZD and you too can play Kat-Ball(tm)!!! At no time did any Kat-Ball(tm) participants have their fur rubbed the wrong way in the making of this response to Kat-Ball(tm)... ~:0)))))

William K 29 Oct 2007

Hahaha ^_^ This is Funny! I like it ^_^

Artist Reply: And William K it's all made possible by Kat-Ball(tm)!!! Play Kat-Ball(tm) today!!! ~:0)

Jerry 28 Oct 2007

Most interesting picture and title.

Artist Reply: And Jerry it's all made possible by Kat-Ball(tm)!!! Play Kat-Ball(tm) today!!! ~:0)