• Denny Gholson
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  • Image 149 of 178
  • Added 13 Sep 2007
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Hanging Gourd Witch, 12"H, 16"L, 9"W, Kettle gourd, small dipper gourd nose, carved gourd hat rim, craft hair, hot glue details, enamel & acrylic paint with protective finish. Background Edited

5 of 16 Comments Show All 16 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Jerry 14 Sep 2007

Strange picture!

Nira Dabush 14 Sep 2007

too cute..gorgeous and so creative ,Denny

merle cruser 13 Sep 2007

OL GERTTY 'S A GAS !!!!!!!!!!!

Ruth Palmer 13 Sep 2007

Hi Denny. This is just the coolest! You put so much work into these little guys!

Vanessa Holmstrand 13 Sep 2007

Sorry, Denny. That last comment was from me. I didn't realize that I was not signed into AW.