• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 03 Sep 2007
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The Experience of Angels

Many years ago in a favorite monastery of mine I found myself painting this oil. The beauty that surrounded me engulfed my heart and soul and I felt that I would never be able to capture on canvas this precious moment that I was experiencing. I labored over this oil for hours. Adding this. Taking away that. Nothing I seemed to do did my efforts justice. Then as sudden as a burst of wind in my soul I saw an angel in this tree that you now look at in this oil. This angel was just what the painting needed. It's addition made the work complete. It was as if the angel had spoken to me in the silence of my heart and said, "I will help you finish your work". Now, that was many, many years ago and many, many paintings have been painted since I heard those angelic words spoken to my heart. Yet, they are as true today as they were in that monastery so many, many years ago. I am not alone. I have never been alone and I will never be left alone. I have a guide that is with me until the end of my days. My mother, when I was a child, would tell me that I had a guardian angel watching over me. I wasn't sure if that was true. But that moment in the monastery while I was painting this painting changed my doubt to belief. Now, some will say that "he is crazy, this artist called visionary" and others will just say nothing. But there are a few fortunate souls, out there, that know what I know. We are not alone and never have been. My mother was right. I do have a guardian guide. And so do you. visionary imagist "Joey"


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L.A. Spilsbury 05 Dec 2007

Joey this story is so beautiful. I am sure you have touched so many people with your paintings and your experiences.

Artist Reply: L.A.: Thanks for the continuing support for my artwork. i do value your opinions. Thank you again.

Renata Cavanaugh 08 Sep 2007

oh my goodness, this is such a beautiful painting.Your story touches my heart! You have such a wonderful soul Joey, and I love how you put your all into your work. When I read your storries and look at your amazing art I feel so inspired...so good inside. You are trully blessed!

Artist Reply: Renata: Thank you for acknowledging my work. I sure do appreciate your kind and thoughtful comments. I, also, await your new works as well and I hope that you are feeling fine. Again thanks!!

sandra carmo 06 Sep 2007

aww so well done!! so peaceful.. nice nice. :)

Artist Reply: Sandra: Thanks again for visiting my artwork. I do so appreciate your sharing with me. I look forward to your art as well. thank you!!

Bluemoonshadow 05 Sep 2007

Ahh you have been touched~!!! I like those places where it is peaceful and quiet... take it back with me so I can balance with the negatives... places to visit in my mind and dream... Very nice painting once again, Joey...:)) Always enjoy reading your write ups too..

Artist Reply: Blue: Thank you for reading my words and looking at my art. I am glad that you enjoyed both. I always look forward to seeing your comments. Stop back again. Thanks!!

Jerry 04 Sep 2007

Very creative and wonderful artwork!

Artist Reply: Jerry: I always look forward to hearing your insights and comments. I value your opinions and look forward to seeing your art as well. Thanks!

Gabrielle Stahlie 04 Sep 2007

Joey, it is true...you are not alone, sometimes there is this feeling of being protected by a spirtual force as you have imagined and painted so beautiful here.

Artist Reply: Gabrielle; You are absolutely correct. The sense of aloneness is really a false sense. I, too, feel the presence of this "spiritual force". We are not alone. thank you, my friend, for sharing your words with me. I value our friendship deeply!

Charlotte Ottilo 04 Sep 2007

It is amazing when God captures your heart in an instant to be with us for the rest of our lives..Just a beautiful piece of Art!

Artist Reply: Charlotte; Your taking the time to share with me those wonderful and insightful comments sure does make this artist smile. I appreciate when fine creative artists, such as yourself, stop on by my little gallery and share. Please feel free to stop back anytime. Again thanks!!

helen tyralik 04 Sep 2007

lovely, the light and the angel in this painting makes everything seem perfect

Artist Reply: Helen: The end of the day at one of the most beautiful quiet places I know. I do enjoy solitude. thanks for noticing the light that was created by that wondeful evening.

brenda coster 03 Sep 2007

Your angel is so beautiful...took my breath away. If it wasn't for my guardian angel...wouldn't be here today!

Artist Reply: Brenda: I know exactly what you are saying. My youth was wasted on being young. Here's to better days ahead, one day at a time. thanks for commenting!!

Maria Murphy 03 Sep 2007

Beautiful painting,It took me a couple of seconds to realise the little Angel in the painting,but I think that was the nice suprise to get.I believe in Angels ,everyone has one weither your good or bad.Just ask and they will be there. Amazing art at first I thaught it was a photo not a painting.There is such a sence of peace and calmness about it.Great Art as usual.God bless Joey.

Artist Reply: Maria: Good to hear from you and i hope that all is well and that you are painting and creating your art. I do so appreciate your words and that you take time to comment on my work . Stop back soon!!

Cindy Lemoi 03 Sep 2007

Beautiful painting, the angel is the perfect touch to this wonderful painting Joey. Well done !!

Artist Reply: Cindy: my art continues to foster my soul and hearts desire. thank you for stopping by.

Tahnja Wolter 03 Sep 2007

Absolutely true my friend! I could write a book on how many times my Guardian Angel has had to work so hard saving my dumb ass, lol. This is outstandingly beautiful and you truly have captured the spirit of the moment and the profound tranquility of what you experienced. Excellent Joey, really excellent and your timing is wonderful when there seems to be so much death abounding at present.

Artist Reply: Tahnja: My guardian has had to work overtime with regards to my life, especially when I was younger. I always look forward to your words and value your insights. And i await to see new works from you. Thanks again!!

Margaret Platt 03 Sep 2007

This work speaks to me as patience, kindliness, and virtue of heart, Joey. A joyous gift from spirit..

merle cruser 03 Sep 2007

Joey, this comes from deep inside you. Thank you for your spiritual wisdom and beliefs. You are an angel!!! And angels are one thing I have always believed in.

Artist Reply: Merle: I always look forward to our sharing. And of course your art as well. Your comments and insights mimic my own beliefs and that makes this humble artist aware of how fortunate he is to have fellow pilgrims, such as yourself, help him on his artistic journey. Thank you!!

annette steens 03 Sep 2007

A big hug for this fantastic story and graceful painting Joey! Guardian angels all around us every moment of the day/night, if we like/want to see and/or listen to them!

Artist Reply: Annette; I am so glad to see your words. I hope that you are feeling well and you are painting too. Your insighful comments always make me feel appreciated. I do so look forward to your comments. Again thanks and take good care of yourself. See you soon.

Chris Roukema 03 Sep 2007

Fortunate Souls are never alone! Excellent Work, Joey!

Artist Reply: Chris: As always your encouraging words help allow me to continue to travel down my artistic path. It is great to have friends, like yourself, along that journey

Anneke Hut 03 Sep 2007

Joey, this story is so wonderful and true! And I agree with you, our guardian angel is sitting there and everywhere. Luckily they have no borders in dimensions. A unique painting of a beautiful place.

Artist Reply: Anneke: How true your words are. I am happy that you enjoyed my little attempt of rendering what cannot be seen yet is there. Thank you for sharing with me again!!
Artist Reply: Anneke: How true your words are. I am happy that you enjoyed my little attempt of rendering what cannot be seen yet is there. Thank you for sharing with me again!!

Joanna Jungjohann 03 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Joanna: Thank you again for stopping by and sharing with me your insights and wonderful words of encouragement. They are deeply appreciated.

katja cuikova 03 Sep 2007

awesome done and very nice idea!

Artist Reply: Katja: your words help this humble artist to continue down the path less traveled. I do appreciate when I see your comments. They are a great help to me!