• Jerry
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  • Image 182 of 209
  • Added 04 May 2006
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Old Man

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Jerry Stith founder of an American Folk art program referred to as BallPoint Pen Art. That particular program is introducing what a ballpoint pen can do as an art instrument to the world via the WWW. I have been drawing, researching, exploring or developing what a ballpoint pen can do as an art medium for the past thirty-eight years.****** Statistics indicate that about 938 million people are registered on the Internet as users. I am the most published ballpoint pen artist of all those people and have been so for the past six years! Over the years I have learned much about what this medium or instruments can do, needless to say. A ballpoint pen has the longest flowing line of any graphic instrument in history and this particular drawing demonstrates that form of line in red.***** A bold long flowing line is most excellent at capturing movement; action or events taking place live. Quick dark or colorful lines are one of the things a ballpoint can do other art mediums simply can not do as well. Such lines are a virtue of the ballpoint and they clearly standout from all other pens or mediums throughout history. Blotches or accumulated ink gathered around the ballpoint pen tip while drawing quickly aids this style of drawing because it simply piles on more color.***** A ballpoint pen is not supposed to be like other mediums or instruments. It has its own virtues, uniqueness, qualities and International world records archived or recorded in history. A ballpoint pen has out sold ALL OTHER WRITING OR DRAWING INSTRUMENTS IN HISTORY; therefore it is (The King of all mediums not something humble!) People seem to think if something cost little it is humble, lousy, poor or bad. Pay attention to how a ballpoint pen changed every level of society and you will realize its value. ***** Please remember, that pen and ink ruled and upgraded every writing or pictorial part of society for thousands of years before many other mediums even came onto the marketplace. Oil paintings are called KING OF OUR FINE ART WORLD, Pen and ink controls, writing and graphic art communities. All treaties, contracts, documents, letters and things like the Bible were drafted up with ink via a pen. Tag four thousand years of ink drawings to that and we have an impressive historical background. If that is humble what is great? ***** Have a blessed day, Jerry Stith.

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John Enright 28 May 2008

creative an or delightful....

Cathy Holford 06 Sep 2007

The detail is so amazing!

Robin Brown 23 Feb 2007

These images look so old & classical they wouldn't look out of place in an old country house or museum. Great art work

Kelly Bartlett 24 Dec 2006

Fabulous detail, great job, Jerry :)

Sara Deutsch 15 Dec 2006

Your technique is masterful and so is your ability to capture feeling...