• David Morley
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  • Image 19 of 26
  • Added 12 Nov 2005
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Nature's Spoiled

This was shot this afternoon while hiking with my daughter on one of our favorite trails. The title of the photo pretty well sums up the mix of emotions I have about the encounter. I sincerely hope that this photo will be purchased and hung in a Ranger's Office or Visitor's Center somewhere to remind people that their actions effect those that come behind.


Anonymous Guest

Emily Reed 17 Nov 2005

Oh gosh, yes, a harsh scene.

Jean M. Laffitau 13 Nov 2005

Excellent shot David! This photo tells a sad story!

Nancy Woolweber 13 Nov 2005

I am amazed at this photo. One, it is a fantastic capture. Two...people just don't care about the environment anymore. They pitch their trash anywhere. I live in NC and the city has bi weekly pickups of trash along the highway. Why so often? Because people immediately pitch out their items once they are on the highway. It is so discouraging that people can't manage to put their trash where it belongs...in a receptacle made for trash so it will be hauled and carried to a place that is designated for trash. I'm also disturbed by the fact that a "user" was on the path you and your daughter find so enjoyable. I once entered a casino in the midwest and found that in the restroom they had special boxes for those who use needles! I must be getting old. I was in awe that it was so prevalent that these receptacle were supplied!

Tabitha Borges 12 Nov 2005

great effective piece...

Analua 12 Nov 2005

Wonderful and magnific photo David!!!