• Keith Dixon
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  • Image 67 of 109
  • Added 14 Oct 2013
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Oil on mdf board, 24 x 30 cm. High tide at Porthcurno Bay in Cornwall during a squall. Catches the moment when the secondary wave fights its way up the beach against the strong drag of the water draining back (Undertow) from the preceding major wave (usually the 7th -10th wave is the biggest). Painted from sketches on site and photo. Great Place to get wet whilst painting! Where did the cormarant go?

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Anonymous Guest

Lawrence Hickman 16 Oct 2013

very well done i like the composition and colors

ruth sears 16 Oct 2013

the waves are wonderful.

Elizabeth Lindberg 14 Oct 2013

I can almost feel the spray of the water in the air, this is so excellent and well done!!!!!!!! good job!!

Brenda Loveless 14 Oct 2013

such a powerful painting; you really captured the storm surge!

Fiona Hooper 14 Oct 2013

Excellent - lovely light and movement. The waves are very well done.