• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 13 Jul 2011
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Over The Garden Wall

Mission San Jose in the ancient county of Bexar de Tejas – Tejas being the indigenous Indian name for Texas, has been around for a very long time. The mission – known as the Queen of The Texas Missions is quite large which affords madmen like me opportunity to venture out into the blazing sun to capture a moment. To try and find that angle or vision that no one else has at a place trodden for over three hundred years from time looking back to when the Bexar was the wildest of wildernesses – that’s m’ task. Well naturally I like to take advantage of available cover while finding m’self there creating something in the neighborhood of a decent composition. This is – as the title implies – the view from outside the last wall looking in. For those reared in a vacuum, defenses are zoned. For a place the size of this mission there would be no way to defend the entirety of the holdings there so you just have to start outside and work your way in continually concentrating your resources until you’re in the kitchen swinging a kettle and brandishing a spoon ~:0) Anyway – in the shade on a blistering hot day – I’m just outside the inner walls looking up at the Basilica of the Church – I think you call it – and I snaps this image creating a nice tripartite pix (how do U like that big word there – Ha! – contrary to popular belief I have a vocabulary – I just don’t want to wear it out) So we’re in the shade peering over the wall – hoping to catch a glimpse of some sheila through the shooting-ports in the wall in case you hadn’t noticed them – we’re looking up there at this nice dome and we’re enjoying the cool shade. It’s all very much like it was there in that same spot three hundred years ago at the Mission San Jose ~:0)) VivaChas!


Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 19 May 2013

Very nice work! Fabulous beauty, I really like this piece.

ruth sears 14 Jul 2011

how beautiful this place is,stunning photo!

Artist Reply: Well thanks Ruth - glad to get confirmation - too bad to get fotos one has to travel to all these crazy places and meet all the unusual people - exhausting! Ha! ~:0) VivaChas!