• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 12 Jul 2011
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Hot 39 Ford Five Window

Nothing says Hot & Dry like a “high-key” photograph of a black car in an open field at the Luckenbach, Texas Hot Rod and Custom Car Show. The morning started off like many this time of year that part of the world. It was pleasant enough – bit muggy – but as the morning raced toward high noon and the sun climbed so did the temperature. Now over in the shade – different story. Sure it was still hot – somewhere around a hundred later in the hotter part of the day, but around mid-day it was only about ninety-five or so which made for delightful shirt-sleeve weather. The dappled shade under the trees made for some interesting effects on the auto’s surfaces and exposures were all over the place – which makes for more photographic fun ~:0) Now ol’what’shername and I are much too clever to put ourselves in what might be for the Brits a heat-stroke situation. We’d donned our vented hats with wide protective brims, long-sleeved shirts to protect our arms – we don’t use sun-screen b/c of the problems inherent in that and we stuck to the copious shade provided by the live-oaks covering the meadow where the cars were displayed. We only ventured into the direct sunlight to snap a quick shutter and dash back to the safety of the shadows. Felt like something outta that new and popular series of books about women in love with vampires – Ha! (don’t they know a relationship like that can only end badly? ~:0)))) Point is – sometimes making a photo like this good old 39 Ford with the sky washed and the grass dodged almost gone and just bits of color creates something unique and conversation starting. I’ve got this pix in the game-room. I find m’self staring at it while waiting my turn at the pool-table. Shooting pool is important exercise for an artist and I like to stay in shape – a good cigar, a bottle of the ol’ Fourecks and a rousing game of eight-ball squares up a great day of photography – Ha! ~:0) VivaChas!

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 20 Aug 2012

It's a real pleasure to see this Wonderful capture!

Artist Reply: Thanks John - I'm grateful for sight as well my brother ~:0) VivaChas!