• Sharon De Vore
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  • Added 13 May 2011
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Here are 2 photos I took of what I saw when I returned home to Alma. The top one I took from the side yard to show a different perspective. The bottom photo I took from the top deck. I can tell you that no photo shows the reality of my back yard. Photos seem to lack the proper depth and layers of reality. Though I had seen lots of photos and told that it was a mess, I was not prepared for what I saw; the reality of this. Work men who have come so far; one or 2 each day are blown away (no pun intended) by what they see. One told me that it looks like a battle zone and each of the others cannot believe their eyes. Apparently this tornado came here to Eagle Crest and touched down in spots. I have been told that 70 trees on Eagle Crest Golf Course property have been felled and a tree here and there on personal properties. Also it touched down on someone’s roof here, but I have not been able to find that house. And it touched down here quite violently as you see and the biggest mess of all... except I think the roof gone is the worst. My house damage is minimal. I hope you enjoy!!!!


Anonymous Guest

Shahram S. Nahavandi 06 Sep 2011

Dear Sharon, not to worry...I'll take care of it...!

gerry logan 28 May 2011

Wow so much damage to those I am sure beautiful shade trees when they were standing. Thank god all is well with your house and your family this has indeed been a bad year weather wise our area has been massive flooding but for me I live on a hill so no worries with the floods

Karen Helsing 27 May 2011

I'm glad you're safe and your house is okay. I hope you saw how a town in Kansas has rebuilt after the devastation of a tornado on the news tonight.

Mary Janosik 23 May 2011

Oh My, dear Sharon!! I, too am glad that you are safe and the house is OK!! Such devestation and lose to so many this year!! I will stop complaining about the rain.... Take care, dear friend!! Hope your basement is stocked!!

Anonymous Guest 21 May 2011

Oh ,lots work waits on you my friend....

Basant Soni 19 May 2011

.brilliant view best nature show..

Wendy Law 18 May 2011

wow - how horrible for you

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 18 May 2011

so sorry to see, but happy you are safe!

Pierpaolo Limongelli 18 May 2011

Sometime Mother Nature is so bad... but the humans much more :-(((

Nira Dabush 18 May 2011

great capture, Sharon.. stay safe and take care... love from Israel. XOX

Sharon Lee 17 May 2011

Wowo! God spared your house in an amazing way! You are sooo blessed Sharon!

Patty Day 14 May 2011

What a mess, thanks God you and your home was spared!!! Take care and God bless my dear friend!!!

Sigridur Bachmann 14 May 2011

Wow ! I´m so sorry to see this ! But lucky you are not hurt my friend, Thanks for sharing my friend.

Carolyn Taylor 14 May 2011

So sorry to hear of the loss of fine, large trees. It was good to hear the damage to your house's structure was minimal, though.We had a lot of tornado damage not far from us last month--very unusual for this part of Pennsylvania.

Aqua1955 14 May 2011

I don't think this must be happy feelings coming home. When I see tornados on TV I always think, my god, lucky we don't have them. Lucky your hose has not much damage. Wishing you all the luck to clean this mess and hopefully you won't find unexpected things.

Barry Huyett 14 May 2011

tkS 4 sharing

Anonymous Guest 14 May 2011

Folks wonder why someone would be interested in a jet that flys at 400mph. why would anyone be interested in something that cruises nonchallantly when the wind outside is twice the speed of tornadic winds? I suppose becaue they are not allowed to fly supersonically in civil conveyance because of the boom.

Donna PierceClark 14 May 2011

Thank the Lord no one or no animal was hurt. I'm so sorry!

Anonymous Guest 14 May 2011

Sharon, as I said before (or words to the same effect), your cats must have thought you were upset with them for some "human creature" reason when that storm came through. Thank God they are OK. Also, if you had been there, you'll never know if you might have been caught away from shelter, so double Thank God!

Geoff Cooper 13 May 2011

Thanks for sharing this with us Sharon, hope you soon get it all straight again soon, thinking of you..

John Cappello 13 May 2011

Dear Sharon that looks pretty devastating,Thank God You were Safe. Those Tornadoes cause unbelievable damage,Yet Your Little playhouse was spared!

Anonymous Guest 13 May 2011

Dear Sharon that looks pretty devastating,Thank God You were Safe. Those Tornadoes cause unbelievable damage,Yet Your Little playhouse was spared!

Craig Cantrell 13 May 2011


lillianhibiscus 13 May 2011

It's sad that you had to experience this on your property Sharon.

Brenda Thour 13 May 2011

Wow, that is so scary! So glad you are safe and your home intact. hugs ~ Brenda

Brenda Loveless 13 May 2011

ohhhhh, poor trees...glad your home is safe!!

Debbie Shirley 13 May 2011

Wow - what a mess! Glad to hear that your house damage is minimal - and that you were not home at the time. Very scary stuff!

Lorna Skeie 13 May 2011

This is just terrible Sharon. You don't need any more upsets in your life at this time. I was staying (on vacation) just a few minutes from there and we had absolutely no damage at all. This was my first (and last) tornado weather that I have gone through. I was scared to death and never so glad to return to sunny old Souther California, earthquakes and all Take care and you are always in my prayers.

ruth sears 13 May 2011

aw Sharon,I see what you mean,they really do some damage don't they,the main thing is you are ok and the house still standing!

Jerry Lee Cline 13 May 2011

Wow Sharon are you and the family ok. I hope everyone is alright. Jerry Lee

Warren Ballard 13 May 2011

Wow, what a mess. Happily your house is still standing. We complain about New England weather but we get nothing like what's been happening in other places.

Susan Marie Pieri 13 May 2011

how scary - Alabama got hit so bad also, but thankfully Montgomery was spared

Donald Schrier 13 May 2011

Nature is really not very friendly and very fickled on the way it attacks things. It is a blessing that you were not here and injured.

M Smith 13 May 2011

Yeow, my sister lives in Alma! She escaped damage this time. Hope you're doing ok! God Bless!

Cynthia Stayte 13 May 2011

Wow!! Your truly blessed you weren't home there, was anyone there? What about your cats, are they ok? So sorry this happened to your place.

Elaine Cruickshank 13 May 2011

So pleased that you are safe in spite of all the devastation round about.

BILL NAGY 13 May 2011

So glad that your home did not receive and serious damage and that God you are safe.

mel taylor 13 May 2011

Wow! Glad you were safe!

Shakeh Sarookhanian 13 May 2011

Oh... is it safe know to stay here? However this is a great picture Sharon.

Maria Anna Machado 13 May 2011


Kate Gallagher 13 May 2011

Unbelievable what nature can do! Glad that you and your animals are safe. sorry for what you must be going through.

Julie Mayser 13 May 2011

We certainly cannot enjoy the photos of this disaster which has happened to you, Sharon.... The ripped out and broken fallen trees are a sadness and a scar upon the earth. We are so relieved that your home has minimal damage and that your beloved pets are safe.

Shannon Slaydon 13 May 2011

How devastating, Sharon! Your home is very beautiful and to have this happen is very sad and overwhelming! I'm so sorry you have to deal with yet another very stressful situation! If not losing your husband is bad enough, you have had one stressful thing after another happen to you ever since! Thank goodness your cats were all right and your home was not completely destroyed! You are in my thoughts and prayers and let's hope your luck will change for the good very soon! Thank you for sharing and you are right, none of us can fully appreciate the magnitude of the damaged caused by those tornadoes! Let's hope it never happens again!


We Thank God that you and your cats are alright!!!Wow,amazing photos,my Dear Friend!!!Soooooooo much devastation!!!You are in our thoughts and prayers and all those effected by the tornadoes!!!((((((Hugs))))))

marie-claire gallet 13 May 2011

My God, this is frightening !!! Hope there are just material damages !!

Annette Labedzki 13 May 2011

wow, unbelievable , my POD!!!