• Terri Henderson
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  • Image 81 of 90
  • Added 18 Jan 2005
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Sock Monkey is Sad

Sock Monkey found a spare pair of socks that I was going to use to make another sock monkey. He noticed the socks looked like him and asked me if he was made from socks. I told him the truth, but explained that he was made from clean, new socks and that he took a long time to make and was made with love. I thought he felt better, but later I caught him trying to run away!


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Kelly Bartlett 28 Oct 2006

Good thing he didn't run away. Maybe he just needs a hug. :)

william maldonado 07 Aug 2005

so sad.

Debbie Jensen 26 Jan 2005

These hillarious images could sell sock monkeys to a whole new generation. I swear, I want my sock monkey again. LOL

jane diamond 18 Jan 2005

Come back sock monkey, come back! You are adored, please don't leave.