• Jerry
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  • Image 173 of 209
  • Added 02 Sep 2006
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Love, Grace and Mercy

The creative gentle hand of an artist certaily reflects what love and peace we can bring to this world. Love and peaceful pictures certainly can bring people together better than violence, hatred, war or negativity! Love, grace and mercy is taught worldwide as a blessing because that's what our Father provides us via his morals, ethics, principles and practices through forgiveness.******* I love what gentle lines a fine tip ballpoint pen did provide because no other camera-ready art medium can produce such loving half tone lines throughout history. Those subtle, gentle or loving lines can provide a superb mood, feeling or great picture that reflects my artistic approch to life. This grandson portrait captures the softness of his cute or charming life as a youth. His love is a very great reminder of what life can be, is and ought to be fore the rest of us all! Adults seem to forget the love, grace and desired mercy shown as they return to us. May the babies, children or youth of this world teach us all how love works and feels.****** Please reply to this artwork as a vote for world peace, gentleness and love! If we search fore those qualities in life our artworks will become that much great or enriched as a peace maker! Jerry Stith

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Kathie Nichols 25 Sep 2007

Definitely have my vote Jerry. Beautiful artwork!

Robin Brown 09 Jun 2007

Superb work Jerry

Debbie Battrick 08 Mar 2007

Wonderful ,looks like a cover for a book...love it...Debbie

Steve Newport 23 Feb 2007

As always Jerry amazing detail and sentiment.

Joanna Jungjohann 14 Feb 2007

He/she looks like a true Gerber baby Jerry.