• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 13 Dec 2009
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Purple Rules The Midnight Sky

*Purple Rules The Midnight Sky ............................ There are some sights that we get to see when we just happen to be in that right place at just the right time...in some instances that moment may last a little longer other than just a moment...and as I create a picture such as this. I have to wonder if maybe in another lifetime or even in my life I have now, I might have experienced something under this sky...and if I didn't, well I'm happy to at least be loving this picture, and dealing with the experience even something like this brings to me...I think sometimes I love doing art too much that, well you know, you can't have the good without the bad...but it seems the bad is happening a little bit less to me...then again, I don't think I will count my chickens before they hatch...I'll just count the eggs and then have some over medium omlet with ketsup and pepper and tortillas with butter! Yum! Hungry for the wide open Bar B Q yet? Don't say no, you know you're hungry......I am too now! As usual, just my thoughts. John Michael Piper J.M.Piper©2010, All Rights Reserved


Anonymous Guest

Karen Helsing 06 Apr 2012


Artist Reply: *Hi Karen! Thanks so much once again!

ruth sears 29 Jun 2010

I enjoyed reading your bio and you have some amazing works on here,this is gorgeous.

Artist Reply: *Hi Ruth! Thanks so much! I'm happy that you enjoy my work and thanks for reading about me! I didnt think anyone would take the time to do that! You're so cool, thanks!

Amanda Lunsford 23 Dec 2009

That's very cool, I love the color.. :)

Artist Reply: *Hi Amanda! Thanks for the comment! I'm happy you enjoyed my work! Have a very Happy Holiday!

Brenda Loveless 13 Dec 2009

what a beautiful experience!

Artist Reply: *Hi Brenda! I am happy to know that my work gave you such a great experience! You made my day with saying that, thanks so much! Oh and by the way, you're quite welcome with the comment I wrote about your work! Keep on bird slidin! Heheeee!!

Sharon Gonzalez 13 Dec 2009


Artist Reply: *Hi Sharon! So nice to hear from you and I am so happy to be back! I've missed all of you here and your work and comments and everything! Thanks so much again Sharon! Have a great holiday season and take care!

Stefani Wehner 13 Dec 2009

Breathtaking!!!!! Your portfolio is GORGEOUS: I am unable to say, which image I prefer.

Artist Reply: *Hi Stefani! I so jazzed you enjoyed my work with such a cool comment I must make you a friend as well as complimentor! You can just say you like them all like me and that will do just fine, lol Thank you so much again Stefani! Take care and happy holidays to you! :-)