26 February, 2020

Please join me for a moment of prayers for world healing

My thoughts and prayers are spreading throughout all world. Wishing for World Healing of the CoronaVirus Disease. Finding very fast solutions, and remedy for this disease. Thinking of all those people around the world affected by this illness. My deepest sympathy and sadness for those lost family, life, at this time. Those lives that were taken by the Coronavirus RIP God Bless. Please give the cure to the people of the world who got sick.

Please take the time to pray for world healing. Love and peace. Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush.



Anneke Hut 26 Feb 2020

Thank you Nira, I agree with your words and hope everybody will join in prayer. Jesus told us, we may all go to God with our worries.

Nira Dabush 26 Feb 2020

Thanks for joining dear Anneke.. I pray to our God, Elohim, Hakadosh Baruch hu... and you pray to Jesus. A matter of belief... :-) together we have more power of prayer. May all gods of the universe join together to create HEALING. ( I' ll remind you that I am Jewish...

Nira Dabush 16 Mar 2020

Fred Rousseau 14 Apr 2020

I have been thinking about all these circumstances we are experiencing in the world.I find it strange that when I talk to people they all say that they would one day want to go to Heaven...but nobody wants to die.

Nira Dabush 24 Apr 2020

We all wish to live... safe and healthy.. No matter ages,, nor risk factors...Best wishes to all.

Fred Rousseau 07 May 2020

Thank you for your kind words and prayer request.It is however so sad that most of us have the idea that God is a Spare Wheel (said with much respect).I am just trying to explain the way we are.We cannot simply approach God only in times of trouble.We should have a close and daily relationship with God giving us the confidence to go boldly to the throne of grace and plead our request in prayer. If we have such a close relationship with Him we will also be able to give thanks to Him in good times and when things work out for the best.Many blessings to all members.

Nira Dabush 08 May 2020

THANK YOU ONCE MORE... EACH WILL DO AS BELIEVE, OR FEEL I GUESS... live and let live... I am sure we have here many points of view :-)... I Wish us all healthy happy life in safe privacy. ENJOY THE WEEKEND.

Dale Newman 17 Jul 2020

Its beautiful to see so many conscious of their spirituality. In fact the bible say happy is those conscious of their spiritual need. The Word of God also tells us that Jehovah God will be our refuge, shelter and crag all we have to do is follow his righteous standards and that is Love our fellow man

Cheryl Garman-Andrade 19 Jul 2020

Amen! I pray for our world daily as well. I pray for our leaders, our heath and happiness. I have personally been struggling to delve into my creativity due to depression. It is a sad time for all. Keep praying and keep the faith. Blessings to all during this trying time.

Rick Corbett 21 Jul 2020

Nira, your words are always so beautiful. I also send my thoughts and prayers throughout the world for health and safety. I pray that we all experience GOD's love, comfort, and safety in HIS loving arms. Peace and love to all.

Nira Dabush 22 Jul 2020

Thank you all dear friends... Stay healthy.. Responsible to each other.. Love and peace from here.
