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19 August, 2020
  • Fred Rousseau

Latest Comment...

I have read all the comments on "comments".Commenting on someone's work of arts,photography,whatever is to me a two way conversation.Talking about ego? Why in the first instance would any artist show off his or her work if they do not want comment on it? Did they do the work for themselves? To me it is a big NO.I do art for various reasons but I am open to comments,good or bad,positive or negative.I find that it becomes a parameter of my art that has "been noticed".When I relax in an art gallery some art does not appeal to me or speak to me.In other words,I do not even notice it.This is the point I want to make here.Appreciate comments,it at least confirms that someone took notice of your art........and by the way,no one can grow without comments or critics.No fruit tree or vineyard bears fruit without pruning.As an artist one should have I teachable spirit as you could learn something you did not know from others.

12 July, 2020
  • Mark Peterson
  • 12 Jul 2020

Original Post: Comments

Why do some people not want the comments they receive to be seen or even want comments at all?