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28 February, 2020
  • Mark Peterson

Latest Comment...

You are right Charles... not everyone has the gift of words, and as the original post might suggest it is a race to gather points... for some it might be, and for others it might just be like me... a lack for words. Perhaps a few words is often enough to express and make a persons day. Expression in adoration need not be long explained or winded. I love you is three simple words, but if your partner needs to hear why every single time... there could be an ego issue. Same with art.

05 November, 2019
  • Linda Hammar-Del Favero
  • 05 Nov 2019

Original Post: Comments on New Art Posted

When I look at new art being posted, I can't just say one, two or three words. I try to make a meaningful statement in a sentence or two. I kind of resent and refuse to take part in the race to rack up the most points as being one of the 25 most active members. It seems like a game devised by the owners of this website, but for what purpose?