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02 February, 2019
  • Patrick Davis

Latest Comment...

There is a fuzzy line between what is artistic and what is considered pornographic. That fuzzy line may appear fuzzier to some folks rather than others, however, I believe we ALL know what is okay and what is not. Hope that didn't come across as vague or biased, I'm told artists can be that way sometimes. =)

21 November, 2018
  • Papa HeadPuddinHead
  • 21 Nov 2018

Original Post: What is art?

I joined this site only recently and have been delighted to meet new friends and overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of those who look at my art. I was so proud to tell my grand daughters that I was now on the internet and let them see that I am not as old mentally as I am physically. Here is my problem. Today someone has posted what I consider to be pornographic images. I am terrified my little GDs will see these and think that their Papa considers it OK to look at such photos. Maybe I'm just old. Yes?