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13 October, 2018
  • Adelle John

Latest Comment...

HEY Thank you soooo much. Sorry if i am impatient if I am bit so it is only because I am so excited about using it. And I have good plans for my site here in promoting myself as an artist. I survived cancer treatment this year and it has given me a whole different outlook on life and though I am very disabled and I am homebound mostly I am not going to waste what time I have left and I am not just going to let my art die before I do. I am not a business woman but I am going to learn to do some of that as you have to be somewhat a business person to promote yourself and get your art out there. And I am quite happy with this site actually, and for those who might wonder about how good this site is compared to ohters, well the print program is much better than most, we have more control in the pricing and having the ability to position artwork when buying is great too as I have too many times sold prints that really were poorly cropped in other sites as they just do them as they are and dont necessarily spend much effort making sure it is the best fit possible. But if the purchaser or me, cause I will be purchasing my own prints and products to sell in a gift store....can place the time well that is a great boon. And thanks for the gift of a month. That couldnt come at a better time I have a lot of expenses next month with my cat which has a heart defect. She just got spayed and that was a major order for an underweight tiny 5 and a half month old kitten with a major heart defect. She was pretty messed up for a day or so but she is doing great now..... Again, Thank you. I am kind of an excitable person but I do calm down and see the light and I do appreciate your efforts to help us when we come up against problems. It makes me much more happy in my choice of websites to show my art in. Adelle

04 October, 2018
  • Adelle John
  • 04 Oct 2018

Original Post: you gave me wrong membership and i selected the thing I wanted

I just signed up and paid $10 for one month of a premium website which comes with premium membership but I dont have the premium website you didnt give it to me instead you gave me 2 months of premium membership and I paid for the website, I know I did, clicked on the one month for $10 Where is it???? Why did you change my order??? Please give me the premium website that I paid for. And I wanted to work on it tonight before I went to bed but now I cant casue I didnt get it....