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28 February, 2021
  • Valora Abbett

Latest Comment...

Thanks for all the replies. I was just now notified that I had received these replies or maybe I somehow missed them earlier... Anyhoo, there have been many great updates made to the site since I originally made this suggestion back in 2017. This is a great platform and I am grateful to be a part of it and actually need to get busy working on some new pieces.

Happy creating everyone! :)

16 January, 2017
  • Valora Abbett
  • 16 Jan 2017

Original Post: Change How Portfolio View Stats Are Counted

I don't think that us viewing our own profiles, portfolios, and individual portfolio images should be included in our stats. It gives a false number. I personally only want to see my organic and returning traffic. So, if there is a way you can separate out our own views from other peoples that would be great.