A warm WELCOME to all *MAIL ARTISTS* for Hand Illustrated and Painted Mail.
MAIL ART or POSTAL ART is art which uses the postal system as a medium.
As long as there have been artists and there has been mail, there has been postal art. There exists a rich history of creative products sent through the post to draw upon. ---
We all know about Vincent van Gogh's letters to his brother Theo that were packed with drawings for painting ideas.
Mailing Art is a great way to surprise someone with a poignant and extraordinary gift they have never received before; it's such a large feeling on such a small surface.
The employee of the small post office of my village will hand stamp my painted envelopes carefully.
Postal carriers delivering mail to my Mom in the Netherlands often remarked on my hand-painted envelopes they delivered and they seemed to particularly like my paintings.
POSTAGE STAMPS ( mini-masterpieces ):
Few works of art enjoy as vast an audience as American stamps. You also could design your art into stamps which could pass around for other people to use, or to place on new envelopes yourself. Please present here the sheets of stamps made in this fashion.
I'm looking forward to seeing your postal art downloaded in this *MAIL ART* artist group of Art Wanted.
Love and Light, OLGA VAN DIJK (admin)
Group URL: https://ArtWanted.com/malartists