Welcome to AW PEACE group !
Coming from most familiar spot in the middle east, small country, Israel... where the PEACE, is a vital everyday need, I find it VERY IMPORTANT, to bring this message here.
This group will not bring any political views... But a simple expression of the need of WORLD PEACE.
It is not a protest group, but positive way of creation for PEACE.
With my hopes and prayers for real PEACE, Between ALL Nations of the world.
In this group you can post images, using ALL Medias possible for you to create.
The message of peace must be clear, visually or verbally or both.
The relationship in this group must represent the meaning of this word - PEACE.
Since PEACE starts from YOU & ME...
If you have any question concerning this group, please don't hesitate to e.mail me, with the subject of: AW - PEACE group
"All we are saying is - GIVE PEACE A CHANCE ... all together now "
With LOVE, we can make PEACE...
Group URL: https://ArtWanted.com/letitbepeace