• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 03 Nov 2009
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One in Every Box!

Well recently I had an experience that I believe has helped me understand the person holding the Office of The President of The United States. It happened quite by accident and I must say it was a very pleasant surprise. I was at the local enjoying a lovely cigar and a nice box of Cracker Jack - I know what you're thinking but they do go together very well - anyway, I fish around inside the box as I'm finishing up and discover the prize inside - I opened it with all the anticipation of a Christmas morning and excitedly pulled out my valuable prize - Oh Joy! I shouted as a modest crowd gathered - I've gotten a Flaming Nobel Peace Prize as well! - Now I know what that lad from Kenya felt when he discovered his prize in a box - bewdy ~:0)

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Anonymous Guest

John Swift 21 Jan 2010

Great satire, Chas, but it comes as a disappointment to me to learn that Cracker Jack has sunk to such a low standard of quality in their prizes. They used to include truly unique and valuable stuff such as lead soldiers, plastic rings that glow in the dark and other fun stuff. The "recession" must be affecting them too!

Artist Reply: Right you are John - lacking variety - why down here at the local as I look around the room I see two of me mates over at the dart board wearing at least three NPPs each - over at the bar another half-dozen and don't get me started with the game interference with those dangling awards at the pool tables - it's like a plague of locust! Still, does add some color to the place and the quiet clinking of the NPPs is rather soothing - thanks for the great comment and a tip of the ol' Fourecks to one and all ~:0)

Dianna Newby 11 Nov 2009

You are the master when it comes to this stuff....I can hardly wait for each offering....you are so gifted and usually so serious....it is fun to laugh....keep em coming the Queen of America

Artist Reply: Hi Queenie - yeah much prefer the funny stuff - but even that has a playful more serious tone to it - and that's the real fun - Ha! - I'll dig through the stack and see if there's anything that's give you a chuckle ~:0)

Anonymous Guest 03 Nov 2009

Now that's funny Chas! JuJu*

Artist Reply: Ha! Thanks - I understand it's healthy to laugh - Ha! ~:0)

Loredana 03 Nov 2009

LOL...This is great my dear friend as always

Artist Reply: Yeah - LOL - funny eh? Love me Jack ~:0)

Alberto D'Assumpcao 03 Nov 2009

Fantastic work, Chas!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Alberto - high praise indeed ~:0)