• Tina Davis
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  • Image 14 of 32
  • Added 21 Aug 2009
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Crop Circles of the Mind

There has been great scientific and spiritual evidence and debate as to the meaning of crop circles all over the world, and it seems that each culture, each community, each individual has its own opinion. Some believe that they are messages from the earth itself while others feel that they come from another race of beings from somewhere in or outside of our solar system. But more importantly, the question becomes- What meaning does it have for YOU? Mind Meditation: Please take a quick glance at this painting. What is the first thing that comes to your mind….How does it make you feel? Does it remind you of something? Now, sit back and take several deep breaths and breathe into your solar plexus so that you are completely relaxed and you can begin to open and expand your awareness beyond the physical into your unconscious mind. When you are ready, now look again….this time more closely at the details. Look at the shapes, the lines, the colors. Does it trigger some hidden meaning or memory for you? What do the symbols and geometric shapes represent? What kind of emotion does it express for you? The expansion of the mind, of the soul, is the single most important thing that you can do for yourself at the present time. By doing this, it will help you to connect with your higher self and with the universe so that you can find your own space to explore in, to create in, and to find all the answers that you seek. Good luck.


Anonymous Guest

Alberto D'Assumpcao 08 Feb 2010

That's fantastic, Tina!!!

Olga van Dijk 04 Oct 2009

B E A U T I F U L... and I enjoyed the text too. Love and Light, Olga

Ron Atkin 22 Aug 2009

Are they trying to say what this guy says Tina -"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius." ~Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Artist Reply: Wolfgang was a true genius which is exemplified in this great quote that you share here Ron.....with his music he reached out to millions of souls through the simple strokes of his arms and the simple touch of his fingers........LOVE is the true music of the spheres.

Ai Shan 21 Aug 2009

Very nice work!