• Olga van Dijk
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  • Image 179 of 270
  • Added 14 May 2008
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Red Shoe


Thank you so much for all your nice words of encouragement, your emails and cards after I strained both of my ankles and fractured my left leg.( (A miss step in my garden!)
Nevertheless I flew to Holland to celebrate the 80th birthday of my father-in-law.
I'm doing much better now and this week I started my heavy duty physiotherapy program 3x a week to get these legs working again!
I'm still not able to get down to my studio in my basement to paint. Stairs are the less favorites to walk these days.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!
Love and Light~OLGA

5 of 69 Comments Show All 69 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Brandy Gentile 13 Apr 2010

oh man, that's so terrible! so sorry to see you did that! hope you are feeling better and healing well. :(

Artist Reply: Thanks Brandy.... It healed well (a couple of years ago!) Love and Light, Moi

Delia Pacheco 05 Nov 2009

Oh wow Olga, I hope you mended back to your normal self...I fractured my right wrist in August and now am doing better and painting again.

Janette Ihnatova-Dengo 22 Apr 2009

Hello, I just saw this Olga....Gosh, I hope you are doing much better with your legs. Peace & Love darlin'

Loren Carson 18 Feb 2009

My dear friend I hope that you are healing.

Thom Roslan 20 Jun 2008

Hi Olga......Better LATE then NEVER......I always say ! I'm so sorry to hear about your accident......I know how you feel 'cause I had a double compound fracture of my Tibia and Fibula bones of my right leg..... So take care and do all your PT excercise's.....FOR SURE ! and God Bless !

Artist Reply: Thanks Thom, that's so nice of you! Lots of physiotherapy and I'm still very stiff in my left leg. Got a tendinitis in my ankle by overdoing. At least I'm painting again. Tomorrow I'll download a portraiture of Bob Marley! Wishing you a great Summer day (it seems to be the longest day with daylight today!) Love and Light~Olga