• Sierra Grillot
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  • Added 17 Jan 2008
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Avatar:The Last Airbender- Doing it Wrong

So, I don't let on that I do somewhat enjoy the Zutara pairing (though I'll be honest... my big ships for Avatar are Zukaang, Jetko, Tokka, MaiLee, Azukka, and Tyzula). Truth be told, I abhor the way most people tend to portray the relationship... I really enjoy the relationship when their bull-headed tempers show, when they get snippy/pms-y with each other, when they're intense and competitive, when there's an honest passion present. I see some pieces like that, but not many. Essentially, I like seeing their relationship portrayed as a dominance battle... Something like the canon!crack that is my favourite het couple Vegeta/Bulma. They should keep one another on their toes, caring but tough. Here they're actually in the middle of an intense sparring match, not a life-or-death battle. ------------ Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko, Katara, and any other characters mentioned are property of Nickelodeon/Viacom Entertainment.


Anonymous Guest

Sherri B 18 Sep 2010

That looks awesome--I love fight scenes in that show. Great job!

patrick seaton 19 Jan 2008

wow varry nicly done

Jerry 17 Jan 2008

Great colors and action!