• John Swift
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  • Image 64 of 90
  • Added 17 Nov 2007
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Misty August Morning

Misty August Morning

This August day started out hot. It had rained the day before and, as the sun heated the moist ground, fog rose up and cast a haze over the field, partially obscuring the sun. The clouds and mist were transformed by the sun's rays into breathtakingly beautiful colors which would be a challenge to duplicate on canvas with paints, palette and brush.

This scene reminded me that one only needs to look at the beauty surrounding us to realize that our world is not here as the result of happenstance, but is indeed the creation of a great Master Painter and Supreme Architect of the universe.

I was also reminded of another August day in my life which reinforces my belief in the miracles of God's creation.

Misty August Morning

A day in August, much like this,
so many years ago,
started out with fog and mist
down in the field, below.

We said, "Perhaps it is a sign
from Heaven up above,
that God is sending us today
a little girl to love."

Your day was long and painful…
God held you by the hand,
as through the valley of shadows
you walked as He had planned.

By evening the pain was over
and in God's allotted time
the little girl came into the world
to start life's uphill climb.

Copyright 2007 by John Swift

5 of 13 Comments Show All 13 Comments

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John Cappello 06 Mar 2013

Super capture!!

Elizabeth Lindberg 29 Jan 2012

Your photos are interesting and beautiful John. I really liked your poem here. Good job!!

Artist Reply: Thanks, Elizabeth, for the nice comment.

Sharon Lee 25 Feb 2009

How very beautiful John. You are such a sweet man whose tender sole shines through all that you do. Thank you John.

Claudia Huefner 03 Dec 2007

Wow! Great mood! And great colors!

Mary Lou Cupp 21 Nov 2007

Fabulous, Fantastic work!!!