• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 25 Aug 2007
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Mother Godess

The ancients have said "he who says he knows but doesn't know is a fool. And he who says he doesn't know and knows that he doesn't know is a wise man". To understand the infinite by using our finite minds is an illusion married to a fantasy. Like a dog chasing it's tail. If the dog is unlucky enough to catch up with it's tail and bite it hopefully it will learn a lesson. But I have watched dogs chase their tails and they very seldom learn. It seems that they were born that way. The very nature of these two words "infinite" and "finite" exclude each other by their definitions. I leave these arguments for those who enjoy arguments. For me I just chose to set beneath the tree of my Mother Godess and watch this observable universe unfold before my very eyes. The Godess tree's shade covers all. The wise and the unwise. The Godess tree doesn't shade only a select few, on the contrary, it's soothing shade of enlightenment is there for all to have. Call it Moksha, Nirvana, Heaven or whatever one wants to call it. It's there for the taking, free for those who just wish to "Be". So, I'll just sit there and watch and listen to the arguments that unfold around me, as they swirl like a wind of confusion, "this" way then "that" way, ever blowing and never finding rest. visionary imagist "Joey"

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Jessica Courtley-Rose 06 Nov 2007

Striking art and always though provoking remarks! What a gift you have!

annette steens 10 Sep 2007

Stay always in the centre of your inner soul, no left, no right! Tao. The godess tree is the place in our own heart. Wonderful painting again Joey!

Artist Reply: Annette; Yes, the Tao is where I wish to be. My reading of the Tao Te Ching has inspired many of my works. I will post one soon with that message on the visage of a portrait of an old Taoist. Thank you!!

Margaret Platt 07 Sep 2007

Powerful Image Joey.When I first learned to read the Tarot, I needed to understand the Fool before any other card. There's 2 fools,1 at the beginning of a journey with only his few life experiences, and 1 at the end. The last one is still a "fool" , a child like entity secure and happy with life, but here he knows that the Universe supports him, unlike at the beginning where he goes off head first without knowledge. Am I making any sense?

Artist Reply: Margaret: As some have said," you are speaking to the choir". Yes, I do understand and would enjoy further conversations along these lines. I look forward to our sharing. Thanks!!

sandra carmo 01 Sep 2007

that's a good vision! fine art. :)

Artist Reply: Sandra; thank you for that remark. I do enjoy hearing from fine artists, such as yourself. Thanks for stopping into my little cyber gallery. Stop back anytime!!

Maria Murphy 28 Aug 2007

we are all conected to the earth.this is a wonderfull painting

Artist Reply: Maria: Yes, we are all connected. Even the Atlantic is no obstacle for art. Your commenting helps me to continue to follow my path and i hope that you continue to follow yours!