• Juan Gastelum
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  • Added 15 Jun 2004
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 Stylized Ram

a very Baja California spirit icon, and very stylized figure of a big ram, it was very difficult to stylize an animal that I have not seen many times, first, I did a figurative one, in order to put all the shapes in my mind, and then I came out with this. I wanted to look strong, and peacefull. One time, hiking in the rocky desert in baja, suddenly I found myself in a corner of a big rock, face to face with a wild ram, we were both very surprised and instantly turned back as fast as possible, and then turned back forward to admire my surprise, but couldnĀ“t see where he went!. This a my tribute to a magestic animal.

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Anonymous Guest

Loren Carson 08 Apr 2007

Very stylish. Beautiful work.

Anonymous Guest 05 Nov 2005

que onda SOY YO JESSUS, EL ARTISTA X PASATIEMPO que cccconociste enla faarmacia ya no trabajo ahi por un problemota que tuve el sabado que al salir a las once de la noche caamine para a ga rar el taaxi unos pinches malandros me asaltaron quitandome toda la semana en sueido por eeso ya no quise trabajar tan noche ahi ,pero bueno tu expresionartistica es muy chida yo ya tengoo mi idea de hec ho tengo varias ideas escritas enuna libreta pero solo dos las tengo en figuras de plastilina y ceramica sobre una base de madera para que las veas llama a mitelefono porque en telefono solo contesta el buzon micel. el 0446641171275 preguntas x salvador si te contesta un amigo preguntas x el orgasmo gracias ya me voy ahi temiro.

chris green 01 Jul 2004


Francisco Rivera 16 Jun 2004

Buen trabajo Juan...muy original con un estilo muy particular

charlotte bowker 15 Jun 2004

love it