• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 20 Jul 2008
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Deleted by the System

My latest self - portrait, done inspired by the "NEW LOOK" of AW. Captured by the system.
Those who know me, and are following my ART & words, since the 28 of Aug 04, in this site...
Learned to know me so well, during the years.
You know the kind of colourful personality I'm inside and outside. And the kind of positive joy, I try to bring here, USUALLY.
These last 5 days or so, since AW, Revolution , I feel totally different at the site.
I love this place, which I made my main virtual "HOME/GALLERY", to post and "talk" on everyday base.
During the last year, MANY Members of AW, send me, SO MANY invitations to other ART sites... I always thanked them..
But ... ...
Knowing how much I'm busy with creating my ART, my LIFE... And my LOVE to AW, and it's WONDERFUL members and friends I have here, I didn't checked it even.
After about 80% of my friends were also in RB, I decided to give it a try especially, because the RB way of showing the ART Products for print, is a professional way. Using the artist images, for the presentation... very easy & friendly to use.
YET, The first place, that I posted, stayed AW, for ME, home... My main place in internet to show new images everyday.
After the HUGE SHOCK of July, 15,08... With my critic, that partly could be read in my portfolio, or MORE at the AW thread, that they started.
I feel, This new shape packaging / wrapping, can't represent ME. It started from the basic understanding, that GREY + WHITE Contrasts as the "virtual walls of my AW gallery " is not correct and, not only that I can't live with it... I simply feel distant from my ART.
I feel the all area of the portfolio, is TOO BUSY, and not friendly.
During these 4 years here, I got used to several changes , that they made here, and surely, they will make many more in future.
Liked it or not...I always stayed and got used to it..
BUT, This change is TOO DRASTIC, in colour use... I see it as non- correct to view ART, On BUSY surfaces, such is the situation NOW.
As far as I know many artists, don't like this colour combination, that they chose for US...
How many artists at AW site ?...
I think as I see the picture, and I found AW, as professional and wonderful art community on the internet...
But where are they, in consulting US,the artists... especially, when they do such HUGE Change in the LOOK...
really....REALLY !!!...
I sometimes wonder, who is Andy, or his staff - How many members of staff are there.. ?
Can his staff decided for such huge community of artists without any democratic votes... ?
The background was a FREE CHOICE, for years...
Where is the FREE CHOICE Now...Deleted by the system.
Dear Andy, you represent huge community of artists.. Behind my Artist number , there's a very creative , sensitive LOVING soul.. Did you know that ???... I just wonder.
Sometimes dear Andy, you must ask yourself, do you really design the place, to the pleasure of already existing artists of this site... Did you took YOUR TIME, to send an e.mail to me, personally, or a collective mail, with several choices of colour use of background and lay outs..
Did you took the time?
Or simply made it as A FACT, now, that there's no background choice....
If you did it as a FACT, without consulting your BEST MINDS of AW members... Why did you made, such CONTROLLING Backgrounds... it seems SO RIGID.. SO COLD.. so much of HIGH TECH office design.
And so much NOT ME, That it's simply doesn't invite me, to open my own portfolio...
I feel that my own place here, is NOT MINE, This is VERY SAD, to me.
As I said, this new choice may help weak images, to make their show,
but it takes the attention, from the BEST IMAGES, of the site.
With my hopes, with my thoughts... With my LOVE, To SO many people that LOVE me..
I thank ALL those who send me mails to support me, during the last few days...
Important note : I see the non - payers of the site = {equal } to the paying members of the site.
I don't think NONE of us should be afraid to "speak" and say the real opinion
I'm sure Andy would appreciate your thoughts, even, if you're not a paying member.
I think to be a REAL SUCCESSFUL site, we must be able to have minimum FREEDOM of choice...
Here , living HUGE COMMUNITY of artists together.
Dear Andy... I would appreciate, if you give me, the choice to paint my own walls of my gallery.
Best of LUCK..
Copyrights to Nira & AW.
P.S: My REAL portraits , that represent the colourful personality, that I am, can be seen down my portfolio.

5 of 16 Comments Show All 16 Comments

Anonymous Guest

jamie winter 22 Jul 2008

I completly agree with you Nira. Things are looking bad here at AW. so sad, makes me not want to load art. jamie and hugs to you my friend

Artist Reply: My dear Jamie, thanks for visiting me here and commenting.. I'm sorry to hear, you feel the same as I do, such a fine artist as yourself. You know we say here : tafasta merube, tafasta me'Uma. = That means, you captured a lot, you captured NONE. When you design something, here for instance a web-site to serve artists... You as the owner of the place should ask yourself.. whom are the users of my site, who is the the target audience ???. WHO ?.. serious artists, or just passing by people, that will come for a short time and move to another place by tomorrow. I don't mind that all kind of people are meeting here, or even the ages of them... I love people. YET, If this is a serious site for artists, that his purpose is to represent artists in best professional way, possible....... They first must consult their artists. As I said... at such drastic change, they should have made several choices to choose, or at least a survey by mail. They learned.. I'm sure the next time, they'll do a change, they will be clever... much more clever. They learned from ME, Nira Dabush... and from so many others, they will remember, what I tried to teach them , in terms of design. And I learned my lesson too.. AW, Is a small place, in a huge internet... and who I am here.. Artist number ... mmnnn.. must I really remember the ID :-)... ?... Love you Jamie !! and all your wonderful loving family and the beautiful talented grandchildren of yours.. My thoughts are with you, I hope Geri your mother is well.

Madeleine Weber 22 Jul 2008

Nira, so sorry that your chosen artroom changed the wall colours. i agree with you that the icons are to dominant and that they fight with the "real art". i think the layout team should listen and will listen to all the layout ideas of the AW artist. There is no way to fullfill everybodies colour wishes but there is a mainway to find a layout which supports the art instead of killing it! Your reactions are very emotional and i don't agree with the way of AW not to get feedback for the layouts. So hopefully they will listen and change the icons (smaller, not so bright) and pic maybe a brighter grey for the background! Other changes i really really like. I hope you will find a solution to deal with it and do find your decision. and of course: a deleted thread is a desaster for the loving flow in AW. so hopefully it won't be repeated.

Artist Reply: Dear Madeleline...Thank you. The minute dear AW will learn to listen and work as a team with his SO MANY members, will be the day , AW will really success. They made revolution here, undoubtedly, if they do so, they had a problem.. And we all know it. So many people left AW.. And they look for a way to bring many others here. it's a BUSINESS ! One thing they forgot, that there are many who still love AW, And not wish to leave the place... It seems they forgot this fact. Here you can see SO MANY Great artists of the site that don't like the way it looks...SO MANY. TRUE... There are those, that understand non of ART, or design that enjoy it. So..they want me quiet now... it's very democratic step, i guess to delete my message from AW boards. I was thinking A LOT, Since this drastic change, I realize many things I wasn't before. I study a lot on this site during the last 4 years here. I'm much more clever now. And I'm sure Andy himself is more clever now. About the top-ten, by the way, which personally I didn't need it.. BUT.. By changing it, as part of this change... Critic, such as mine, or other non - happy artists from the site , simply almost can't be seen.. A CLEAN SITE FOR CRITIC. Just another number of AW... Love, Nira

francis kwok peng kin 22 Jul 2008

The new concept and design might not suit every one, I know how you feel Nira. the overall design with the grey can affect the work on display definitely, certain item in the manage portfolio like edit and delete icons need not be so big. Let hope things will be better and we have to live with 'Change'...

Artist Reply: My dear Francis.. thanks A LOT. Of course, you are one of the most brilliant watercolour painter of this site, you understand me so well, my friend. I hope with you for BETTER TIMES, in AW... My last post at the boards was deleted by them.. it contain, THIS LINK OF AW PEOPLE COMMENTING THIS IMAGE... Do you really think, I must live with it - the change I mean ?... Love you, I hope your daughters are well, as well as your wife, Nira

David Holcombe 21 Jul 2008

The "New Look" commentaries are fascinating. I was a bit taken aback, but I can usually live with changes. I like the way you express your frustration with the black and white motifs, almost like prison photos. Good work despite, and perhaps because of the changes.

Artist Reply: Dear David... The comments show you, which percentage of the people can't live with the changes well, and as long as these changes exist , we are forced to do so. I posted this not in the BEST hour for rating, from personal reasons... if I posted it in that morning, there would be here much more comments... but I could not. With part of the changes, also I dislike them, I can live too. YET, As you & Andy + his staff could understood.. With this colour choice of difference of backgrounds - I CAN'T ! It seems to me the base, while I see many images each day.. and especially, at my own gallery, which is FULL With so many different images. I very much love SO MANY PEOPLE, here.. And I truly would like to continue posting here, in AW. yet, the backgrounds choice, is more then disturbing to me, IN ALL WAYS, I explained here, or at AW thread. If, I'll post, Andy now knows, that each post, is with a PROTEST of myself INSIDE ME. This ALL Situation, let me think, more about things, I didn't before.. and I realize several things, that I didn't before the changes. I also thought to myself.. perhaps I'll post here only images, that is suitable to their "new look " - Not sure of this.. but its possibility. I may split the images, I post... in another way... at these terms. I must be clever to MYSELF, now that I understood AW can do what they wish, when they wish, AT ANY TIME, And not in democratic way, unfortunately, living in 2008 - INTERNET. NOT SURE, What I'll do.. but I thought about it A LOT, I learned, that the method here is not correct, as it was before. I hope Andy is clever enough, to correct his main mistakes, and pleased HIS PEOPLE. Or, perhaps he prefers, all the time moving people from AW, and entering new ones. TIME WILL TELL, THE WHOLE STORY, to me... to you, and other people. YES... I feel the structure made by the new design of backgrounds as prison to me, without the ability to DELETE colour choice, I can't live relaxed & peaceful with.... This is VERY SAD, to me, David. I still hope to smile, while the background problem is totally SOLVED. Wise person, is the one, when admit, made a MISTAKE, Can correct, as fast as this person can. My love to the people of AW, Including Andy & people of the staff, who works to please us. kind regards, SHALOM, nira.

geoff cooper 21 Jul 2008

I dont think there was any need to change anything, it was ok before... I am so sorry you are so unhappy about it all dear Nira.. I send you a big hug hoping it might help.. Geoff.

Artist Reply: Dear Geoff... For me personally the site also , used to work perfectly to most of my everyday usual exceptions. BUT.......... !! I can very well understand their need to renew the site, and freshen it... Yet, not in this way.. BUT With, consulting the living spirits of the site - us the artists, about major changes, such as the " LOOK ". Free choice of background , that was here for years, should stay, FREE CHOICE. If not They had to arrange several colour choices, that people can choose, the suitable colours for their eYeS. survey , by mail + vote. Your hug definitely make me SMILE, Geoff,and I'll ask.. :-) Will your hug bring a better solution for background ? HUGS Back... dash { say hello } to Lucinda... Nira.