• Delores Knowles
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  • Image 22 of 53
  • Added 21 Feb 2008
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Great Egret in a Tree

©Delores J. Knowles 2008 -- Great Egret (Casmerodus albus) It has had many common names in different regions: American Egret, Large Egret, White Egret, Great White Egret, and Great White Heron. Its official name in North America is now the Great Egret. You may wonder how I was able to be level with a bird perched in a tree. I was standing on a bridge so the tree was actually below me.

5 of 39 Comments Show All 39 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Cindy Luke 15 Mar 2008

Very beautiful images!! It is as if they pose for you Delores

Betty Fletcher 06 Mar 2008

You do such gorgeous photography!! Lovely

Minnie Shuler 02 Mar 2008


Artist Reply: Thanks so much for the kind comments on my wild bird images.

Tabitha Borges 26 Feb 2008

oh it so tranquil and stunning..wow

Valentina Gatewood 25 Feb 2008

The most beautiful photo of Great Egret I have ever seeing !!!

Artist Reply: Thanks for the kind comments on my Great Egret images.