• Paz Fernández
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  • Image 33 of 70
  • Added 25 Dec 2007
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XD Merry christmas!!

XD in my town, Iquique, Christmas is just the beginning of a really cool summer... two weeks before christmas, companies from the whole arange some kind of parade to give gifts to the workers's kids making a lot of noice, dancing, playing music and throwing candies to kids. they can pass from 10 am to 5 am XD and it's still fun to watch XD i must say i dont like how Aurora (green hair girl) looks on this one... but's my first atempt to Photoshop cs XD i use a more basic progrma from adobe... but it was fun to do... XD ^-^ MERRY CHRISTMAS!


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Keyon Jones 11 Nov 2008

cool job here

A penn 27 Dec 2007

Love the lighting, and the softness of the page and the shade on the clothing is awesome! Merry late Christmas!!

Artist Reply: XD thank you so much!! YEAH merry late xmas... and i wish you a cool, funny, colorful, cheerful, danced, yealed and great new year! ^-^

Emily Reed 25 Dec 2007

A wonderful, delightful image! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Artist Reply: to you and all of yours too! XD ^-^ merry late christmas! and i wish you a happy new year!

Jerry 25 Dec 2007

Very cheerful, colorful and cool artwork! Merry Christmas...

Artist Reply: XD thanks!! XD and merry-late- christmas to you tooo!! XD