• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 14 Dec 2007
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The Santa Paradox

The Santa Paradox - Most are blissfully unaware of the frightening reality brought to light with this image gathered from clandestine sources. It is the secret to the mystery of where Santa really gets all the toys for good little girls and boys... he simply asks his future self for the gifts - Santa's future self exists in a temporal plain in which he then asks his past self to fulfill the request at yesterday's prices tomorrow - all throttled by a massive Tesla Coil! The pattern resonates through time, bringing the universe to the brink of temporal destruction, but at the optimum moment head elf - Beverly - snatches from past Santa's pocket the time key that unlocks the portals of time itself. The great resonations subside at exactly midnight December 24th each year (I don't mind telling you that Day-light-savings wrecks havoc on the calculations needed to provide the means to drive the massive coil) Anyway - the cascading Santas reaching to infinity in every direction snap back as oysters on the half-shell arranged neatly with lemon slices on a silver tray that spills forth upon the Aurora Borealis saving Christmas for yet another year - Unfortunately, the event-horizon has been creeping closer and closer to Kyoto with each cycle. No one is certain of the future outcome, but then again - Who Cares? Merry Christmas Everyone ~:0)


Anonymous Guest

indarto budi 06 Mar 2008

Merry X' mas...

Artist Reply: Thanks for stopping by Indarto - come back any time~:0)

mel taylor 03 Jan 2008

This image is amazing, Chas!! I don't know how I missed it (I do get an email when you upload an image). Maybe it was all of the holiday family visits, etc. You do fabulous work! mel

Artist Reply: Ha! As me olMumusedtasay - right you are this is a wacky pic made wackier by the caption, but you shoulda seen all the santas around here left over when the timing was off a few micro-seconds - the shop steward from the International Temporal Authority said we narrowly avoided a full-blown temporal anomaly - coulda taken out the bottom side of the Earth with a little tiny hole come out in Mongolia - no more roos for yous, eh? Thanks yonks for the bydebye~:0)

Lior Goldenberg 28 Dec 2007

Chas, your theory is unfounded. The Santa Paradox has a completely different explanation. Sorry, I have to go now.

Artist Reply: Yes I know Lior - you say that every time you come round on the cycle - though last time that little black dress you were wearing was much nicer than the parka this time - hope to see you again soon in the summer - shift carefully ~:0)

Inspire Art 27 Dec 2007

super explanation for a fabulous image!!!!

Artist Reply: Yeah IA - my part of the world refers to it as the Santa Disclaimer - full disclosure for the Christmas Temporal Season ~:0)

Bailey Hopper 26 Dec 2007

Maybe this explains why Einstein looked a little like a wacked out Santa. Robin I love the idea of Dr. Who playing Santa! Merry Christmas Chas!!! =)

Artist Reply: Einstein was a wacked-out-Santa - I was he who gave us the Christmas Stocking that was larger on the inside that on the outside - developed from Santa's Bag which holds more that it seems. Einstein also gave us temporal rift that allows Santa to deliver all the gifts in a single night for us, but close to a year for him - we owe a lot of Christmas Cheer to our friend Albert~:0)

Robin Brown 26 Dec 2007

Hey Chas; my temporal hurts. I'm still trying to figure out 'Back to The Future' & now you tell me the Santa Clause is in fact 'Dr Who' or maybe I'm being silly. For Flux sake I hope my time has come cos if it hasn't my ability to resonate & figure things out has come to an end & there in lies the Paradox. How much paper is needed to wrap a Paradox & is a Paradox just an oversized Cardboard box. Can you tell I'm confused. I typed this comment tomorrow & tried to post it yesterday but its only just arrived today. Well before I blow my casket I better go but many thanks for the very interesting read & the equally fine image. Just one more thing; have a merry festive season.

Artist Reply: Indeed! Merry Christmas one and all!! ~:0)

Olga van Dijk 21 Dec 2007

Have a great ski vacation my friend! MERRY XMAS for you and yours!--

Artist Reply: Yeah Olga - I live on a lake so everyday is ski day - love to boat across to a restaurant on the far shore and watch the sunset from its mid-century modern windows over-looking - great place, but the city is calling me back - been beyond-the-bourke for too long - Merry Christmas to you as well - God Bless your new year! ~:0)

Alexandra Dvinitninova 19 Dec 2007

Marry Christmas

Artist Reply: Thanks Alexandra - Merry Christmas for one more year, eh? God Bless Us Everyone~:0)

Alberto D'Assumpcao 18 Dec 2007

Great work, Chas!!! Excellent text too, my friend! Happy Holidays to you too!

Artist Reply: Thanks AD'A - we're going skiing this afternoon, the lake is especially calm today, the boat's tuned and ready to fly across the warm lake water's - I love Christmas holidays in these parts - there's so much to do - though I do sometimes sweat-out The Santa Paradox each year. Legend has it that when the event-horizon centers over Kyoto, the world will be blasted into a million, billion pieces - here's hoping this is the year - Merry Christmas One and All!!! :0)

Anonymous Guest 18 Dec 2007

Could only be yours Chas! Creative as always. Mary

Artist Reply: :0)

Ginger Lovellette 18 Dec 2007

Great work and thanks for the explanation!

Artist Reply: That's my job Ginger - explanations for life's mysteries would be lost forever but for the "work" of shiftless artists like me - exhausting, but someone has to do it - It's my pleasure to serve~:0)

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 18 Dec 2007

oh this text and this image, unique and very well recognizable as yours..:)))) GREAT!!

Artist Reply: I'm the elf at the top of the chair - standing on a ladder - just wearing graphite colored boxers - it's fun to be the artist - thanks for the visit Nelly ~:0)

Mark Saxton 17 Dec 2007

good title. funny stuff.

Artist Reply: Santa's so very lonely Mark - he loves your visits and in all honesty - it couldn't hurt in the ol' gift department if you know what I mean. Currently I'm working on an expose about the secret location of Santa's workshop - you won't believe what we've uncovered! Film at eleven!!! ~:0)

Mayme Crouse 14 Dec 2007

never knew all that had to happen..........so happy you cleared the Santa thing up for me;-) awesome Chas

Artist Reply: That'sthething Mayme - most of life has these underpinnings of which most are unaware - gotta keep onnatopa things twenty-four-seven - and to think, that's onlySanta~~~:0)

jamie winter 14 Dec 2007

wow chas this is fantastic

Artist Reply: Jamie thanks - somehow I felt the truth had to come out - jejeje or should I say Ho Ho Ho - Merry Christmas to you ~:0)

Ted Hammond 14 Dec 2007

Great Chas!!

Artist Reply: Yeah Ted - sometimes it's scary to think about how close we've come to disaster over the years - personally, for me, I can scarcely wait!!! Once more into the breach dear friends - once more! Gives new meaning to what Santa means by, "Ho Ho HO" - Jejeje - Merry Christmas ya big Galah (thas the Rose-breasted Cockatoo in these parts - pretty, but not very tasty) - Good new year as well ~:0)