Come, O Come, Emmanuel - Advent 2007 by Joanna Jungjohann |

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Come, O Come, Emmanuel - Advent 2007

Advent wreath an increasingly popular symbol of the beginning of the Church year in many churches as well as homes. It is a circular evergreen wreath (real or artificial) with five candles, four around the wreath and one in the center. Since the wreath is symbolic and a vehicle to tell the Christmas story, there are various ways to understand the symbolism. The exact meaning given to the various aspects of the wreath is not as important as the story to which it invites us to listen, and participate. The circle of the wreath reminds us of God Himself, His eternity and endless mercy, which has no beginning or end. The green of the wreath speaks of the hope that we have in God, the hope of newness, of renewal, of eternal life. Candles symbolize the light of God coming into the world through the birth of His son. The four outer candles represent the period of waiting during the four Sundays of Advent, which themselves symbolize the four centuries of waiting between the prophet Malachi and the birth of Christ. The colors of the candles vary with different traditions, but there are usually three purple or blue candles, corresponding to the sanctuary colors of Advent, and one pink or rose candle. One of the purple candles is lighted the first Sunday of Advent, a Scripture is read, a short devotional or reading is given, and a prayer offered. On subsequent Sundays, previous candles are relighted with an additional one lighted. The pink candle is usually lighted on the third Sunday of Advent. However, different churches or traditions light the pink candle on different Sundays depending on the symbolism used (see above on Colors of Advent). In Churches that use a Service of the Nativity, it is often lighted on the fourth Sunday of Advent, the final Sunday before Christmas.

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joe valcourt 04 Dec 2007

very lovely symbol and message for us all thanks

Visionary Imagist 03 Dec 2007

Joanna; What a beautiful photograph. What a wonderful accompanying text too. Great image. well done again.

Liz Robinson 03 Dec 2007

Beautiful Wreath Joanna...I also love this Hymn. Very nice message for Christmas.

Izabella Pavlushko 03 Dec 2007

well done dear Jo. this image is so beautiful !!!

KC CHANG 02 Dec 2007