• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 25 Oct 2007
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Aphrodite Colossus

In a dream of days gone by, on some far and distant shore I strolled, as my eyes fell upon a vision of Beauty. From beneath the crystal blue surf there arose a mist of colored hues that coalesced into the personified image of Woman. Cupid's arrow stirred within my heart's beat as I was captured by the embodiment of perfect symmetry and grace. A delicate elegance of form and movement followed my gaze as I traveled visually across Her flawless lines of soft fine features that only could have been shaped in some celestial abode. I now knew why Helen had launched a thousand ships. Why Samson had lost his strength. And the Baptist, called John, his saintly head. Romeo's allegiance to his family was justly forsaken for Beauty's sake. Shakespeare knew of Beauty and described it well. How many countless artists, including myself, throughout history have been captured by Her influence. Mesmerized and driven to paint what cannot be painted. Driven to write what cannot be written. So illusive is this object called Beauty that each person finds Beauty in their own special way. Yet, I traveled on to my appointed rounds as an artist and a writer to capture what cannot be captured. Humbly I moved amongst the great painters and authors who have in their own lifetime's visited with this Enchantress and fell beneath Her mesmerizing spell. With my oils and my pen I respectively attempted to fulfill my task. So here is my story for all to read. And here is my painting for all to see. I cannot, I know, encompass all that is beautiful to behold in one small painting or written endeavor, so large is the task. Yet, I can capture that brief moment in my pursuit of this illusive creature called Beauty. So here, I humbly submit to you the viewer what I saw and what I recalled from last evenings sleepy reverie. I now know that it is true that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. visionary imagist "Joey"

5 of 25 Comments Show All 25 Comments

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ludvig R 28 May 2011


X-Chel 28 Nov 2009

I totally agree with all the comments of praise below. I somehow get the feel of ancient times (or timeless days of yore), like I am teleported back in time and space to witness the last days of Pompeii and Herculaneum (in the Naples area). The colors and feel of the painting reminds me of Graeco-Roman wall-paintings (mostly preserved in aforementioned ancient cities), but with a little input of Baroque Classicism à la Nicolas Poussin, especially in the coloring-scheme, I mean how you rendered the colors. Added to this I sense a feel of the Spanish seventeenth century painter Velasquez, especially in how you handled the backside of colossal Aphrodite (sure as h**l beats the Colossus of Rhodes), that is, I sense a distant kinship between Velasquez Aphrodite/Venus and yours, albeit in a different environment (not to mention the scale). On an ending note; lovely image, dreamily rendered!



Artist Reply: Jennifer; Thank you for your continued support of my oil paintings. I do so appreciate it.

Barry Huyett 30 Oct 2007

everyone should dream......fantastic!

Artist Reply: Barry: Thanks for sharing with me your comments. I do so appreciate you doing so. Again thank you!

Gabrielle Stahlie 28 Oct 2007

Joey, this beautiful Aphrodite is one with this soft lined landscape. It brings the old myths alive. Why is it that we are so drawn to beauty.. Are we always looking for ultimate perfection in a person, in nature, maybe?

Artist Reply: Gabrielle: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have found beauty where it isn't always expected and enjoyed it's presence even more. I am happy that you lked my little oil. Thanks again.