• Julie Agor Mcilvaine
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  • Image 38 of 70
  • Added 13 Oct 2007
  • 1 Comment
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My drawing on October 12, 2007

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Jerry 14 Oct 2007

Great contrast, mood and portrait!

Artist Reply: thank you jerry...it's always so nice to hear from you... I surely appreciate all your inspriing and encouraging comments...especially since you're such a great artist... I do my best but my left eye has been really bothering me ...it's the one with a retna detachment ready to detach and soon I think...and my right eye isn't so great either...they both make it defficult for me to see my drawings very well at times...it all get blurry and black at times but I still try... I want to draw as much I can, write my poetry and take as many photos as I can before my retna detaches for I may not be able to see like I do anymore or do as much as I use to... they say when it detaches I need to rush to er and have emergency surgery then...nothing I can do before that moment...I am kind of scare that i'll loose my site in my one eye alot but I guess i'll just deal with it when it happens... anyways...enough about me and my lil problems... thank you again Jerry and again I so sorry for getting back to you so long after...my families, friends and spouse all depend on me alot for many things so I do my best to do my own wants and needs when I can in between them all... I hope you are havin a great weekend Sincerely, Jewes