• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 02 Sep 2007
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This is a home I lived in when I first moved to Eureka Springs. It was most beautiful. The man that owned it and lived there before me was record producer and left Grammies there and many other things including a fully stocked wine cellar and just told us to drink it. Petrus, Chateau-Lafite, many bottles of liquid rubies. He had no idea what he left and cared less. I on the other hand had the gift of having a great wine with each meal for many months. Thanks Jimmie, where ever you are. Michael Photography and paintography by Michael Forbus


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 19 Oct 2014

a past life in the south we have met

Anonymous Guest 21 Jul 2011

What a lovely home/mansion...and such a neat story. Thanks for posting!! Kate Clarke

Danielle Davenport 13 Jan 2008

Beautiful work... I also loved the story behind this so thank you for sharing!

Artist Reply: Danielle, my gratitude for your kind words. I really appreciate your comments. It was a load of fun living in the house and I have since met the new owners. Very Nice. My thanks to you. Michael

Vishwas Suryawanshi 10 Oct 2007

It's a beautiful house.

Artist Reply: Vishwas, my gratitude to you for the very kind statements about the house. The people below you in this comments area are the present owners and they are so kind and gracious. The phone number is on the Artist Reply if you would ever like to stay there. Just call. It is a bed and breakfast. Thanks so much for your kind remarks. Michael

Anonymous Guest 25 Sep 2007

Michael, the rendition of our home is magnificent.. The colors are bright and jubilant. This is the best artist representation I have seen of our home and thank you sincerely for your history and honoring of this historic property. Regards John and Julie Van Woy

Artist Reply: John and Julie, I just got off the phone with Julie who are the present owners of this wonderful home and they are wonderful people. They have two guest cottages on the property that are B and B's and it is still as lovely and sweet as when I lived there. Julie has heard the stories of my paramour when I lived there and it is an exquisite home. Julie is most inviting and if you care to visit this lovely town please do call them. You are sure to be stunned by it's beauty and open arms of Julie and John. It was certainly my pleasure to talk to Julie and the phone number to reach them if you have the urge is 800-738-9545. John my highest gratitude for your lovely comments and gracious words. Best of luck to you always. Michael Forbus

Anonymous Guest 24 Sep 2007

BRAVO!!! You go guy!! ~*~ Cheers! from Linda Jade

Artist Reply: Thank you Linda Jade, very sweet of you to comment so haearily on this image. I really appreciate your kindness. Michael

Linda Jade Charles 24 Sep 2007

Michael, is this the house you were talking about or was it The Fuller House? Linda Jade

Artist Reply: This is the one they featured on the front page. That really drives the numbers up. Michael

Anne Vis 20 Sep 2007

Beautiful work, Michael and congrats on being featured!!! :-)

Artist Reply: Anne, thank you so much. That is a first for me and a surprise. I had no idea that they did that. I thought it was just and arbitrary rotation. My thanks to you, a great artist, for your continued support and kindness. Michael

Janet Gioffre Harrington 06 Sep 2007

Wow, what a place! Looks like a B & B waiting to happen. GREAT WORK, MIchael. Glad 2 C you again!!!

Artist Reply: Janet, they do have some cottages on the property now that we used to use for a guest house. It is a lovely building. Thank you for you kindness. Michael

Tabitha Borges 06 Sep 2007

oh this so lovely and warm great work

Artist Reply: My gratitude to you Tabitha, thanks so much. Michael

monique cooper 04 Sep 2007

Oh how lovely!!!.. so southern in charm!!!.. wonderful work Hun!!!

Artist Reply: Monique, this house when I lived in it was such a beauty. We would sit on the wrap around porches and follow the sun and in the evening drink Maker's Mark mint juleps and watch the sun go down and listen to the crickets. A lovely life. Thanks so much for you continued kindness. I really appreciate it. Michael

thea walstra 03 Sep 2007

Very beautiful and outstanding work Michael in every way. The story is also an interesting one.

Artist Reply: Thea, so nice to hear from you again. I hope this note finds you well and happy. I am living a life of solitude in the mountains and working on some projects. Thank you so much for your kind words and I have missed writing to you and seeing your lovely work, so I am back at it. I have finished some of my projects and now have the time. I still live in the town where the house is and once in a while I drive by it to bring back great memories. My best to you and pray that you are doing well. Michael

Anonymous Guest 03 Sep 2007

Thanks Steve, I currently live in the same town where I owned a bar and nightclub, sort of an off the grid joint where many memories were made and many forgotten. Love this town of Eureka Springs Ar. in the Ozark Mountains. Thanks for your kind words. Michael

Steve Farr 03 Sep 2007

Wow, thanks for sharing such a wonderful story, Michael!! That house looks divine! Most have been great to live there to say the least!!!Take care!!!

Artist Reply: Steve, just look above this one and that is my dumb behind forgetting to login. Have a great Holiday. Michael

Jerry 02 Sep 2007

Very clean, colorful or great artwork!

Artist Reply: Jerry, thank you so much for the great compliment. I am so grateful for your comments. Michael

Laurie Rawdon 02 Sep 2007

Fantastic work Michael!!! I really love that style of architecture and you've showcased it eautifully...truly lovely!!!

Artist Reply: Laurie, thank you so much for you compliments. I do love this home as well. I appreciate your comments. Michael

jamie winter 02 Sep 2007

omg this is awesome Miguel . just gorgeous. wow good job recreating it~~~~~~~~

Artist Reply: Jamie, that lovely house is still sitting in the town I live in. I go by it to get nostalgic. Thanks so much and have yourself a lovely holiday with your family. Miguel

Joe Sweeney 02 Sep 2007

Home sweet home, Lovely.

Artist Reply: Joe, thanks so much for your kind comments. Very gracious of you. My gratitude and have yourself a most lovely holiday. Miguel

Joanna Jungjohann 02 Sep 2007

one gorgeous place Michael!

Artist Reply: Jo, thanks for the kind compliment. You are so sweet to say so. Michael

Brigitte Hintner 02 Sep 2007

Beautiful house and place to live in .....great shot Michael !!! :-)

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Brigitte. It was certainly opulent living there, before children, before bills when money was flying. Sweet memories. My gratitude. Michael

bert cortes 02 Sep 2007

Nicee photo and home, Michael

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Bert, I really appreciate your comments. She was a beauty to live in too. Have a lovely Sunday, Bert and nice to hear from you, Michael

Emily Reed 02 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: It was a lovely place to live. Almost every night we had Maker's Mark mint juleps before dinner. A lovely time in my life. Thanks for your kindness. Michael

Sharon Henson 02 Sep 2007

Great piece of art and story....

Artist Reply: Sharon, she is one of the 100's of Victorian beauties in this town. You must, when redecorating or renovating, do it in the style of Victoriana. It is a law. Sometimes there are laws I like. The house was magnificent and I was blessed to live there. The wines, I cannot believe someone so rich as not to move them or perhaps just wealthy enough to buy what he pleased. My thanks to you, Michael