• Visionary Imagist
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  • Image 81 of 122
  • Added 12 Aug 2007
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Magda Elsehrawi 08 Dec 2008

Joey, you're a natural in your habitat! This is such a lovely picture of the face behind all the masterpieces on this site. :). I would love to meet you one day!

Leah Jaarveth 13 Nov 2007

you would be such an awesome teacher, wish you could teach me a few tricks!

Artist Reply: Leah: Thanks for the kind remarks. If ever in my area stop on by my gallery and we'll share some art and an espresso. Thanks again

NVJasmin Rodriguez Garcia 16 Oct 2007

cool photo of you !!!!I wish I can teach :(

Artist Reply: NVJasmin: I believe that you could teach. Your art is quite stunning and beautiful!

Penny Myers 14 Aug 2007

Is this whole picture done in pencil? What ever it is, it's nice to meet you. If this is pencil then your magical with your hands.

Artist Reply: Penny: No it's just a photo taken by one of my art students of me teaching a class. thanks for stopping in and commenting come back anytime!

Carliss Mora 13 Aug 2007

Nice to meet the image of an artist of such talent, and the creator of very nice comments, as well. Nice surprise, and capture!

Artist Reply: Carliss: Thank you for stopping back into my little gallery. I do appreciate comments from such fine artist such as yourself. Stop back anytime! And again thanks!!

Doris B. Lambling 13 Aug 2007

teaching is wonderful, isn't it? sharing your own experiences and learning from the wise questions and ideas of your students, I'm sure you're such a kind of teacher, though you are also demanding as I can see here!

Artist Reply: Doris: I actually learn more from my students and my mistakes sometimes. My mistakes become happy accidents. Thanks for taking time and sharing with me.

annette steens 12 Aug 2007

you are so interesting because all you have to tell the world!!

Artist Reply: Annette: Thank you. If one follows their bliss and does what they are called to do happiness will be their reward. It may not be money and fame but something much more than that. I believe that I am on the right path. The path less traveled. Again thanks!

Joanna Jungjohann 12 Aug 2007

wow, this looks like a photograph. awesome, and who is the great looking guy?

Artist Reply: Joanna: You made me blush. Thanks for sharing!