• Maria Hedblom
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 10 of 39
  • Added 23 Jan 2007
  • 2 Favorites
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Marilyn Monroe

Before you judge this picture I want you to be aware that it's made in charcoal (!) Very dificult. ANyway hope you sort of like it anyway. =) Copyright to Maria Hedblom and studioyume.se

5 of 22 Comments Show All 22 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Tahnja Wolter 10 Mar 2008

you've done a great job Maria

cramer 24 Feb 2008


Patty Day 28 Oct 2007

Beautifully done, Mana!!

annette steens 16 Jul 2007

a very good Marylin as we know from photo's!

jamie winter 03 Apr 2007

the best i have seen. jamie