• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 11 Dec 2006
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Anonymous Guest 07 Dec 2012

the anonymous guest is me, Julie. I forgot to sign in!

Anonymous Guest 07 Dec 2012

Michael, I have not viewed your work for too long. What an amazing shot. I have several photos of our precious wildlife in Africa that are on the brink of extinction. I can't imagine anything that breaks my heart more than the cruelty to the beautiful souls afflicted by our destructive species. Thank you for alerting all of us to the dangerous conditions of all animals that share our planet. This is not only a stunning and emotionally stirring shot, but your message is equally profound as I look into the eyes of this precious Gorilla. As always, you never cease to amaze me!

L.A. Spilsbury 06 Dec 2007

intense-wonderful-and the message is so important for people to read. Its always so hard for me when i see articles on the subject. I dont understand how people can hurt animals let alone guerillas which i especially love

Artist Reply: Thanks so much for you kind words and you kind heart. This piece meant a lot to me and I am lucky enough to live by a Chimpanzee rescue center from the space program so I go and see them a lot. It is a subject dear to my heart. My blessings to you for your kind heart and great words. Merriest of Christmases to you. Michael

Jean M. Laffitau 10 Jul 2007

Touching and beautiful work Michael!

Artist Reply: Jean, my gratitude to you for your kind words. It makes it all worth doing. Your photographs are exquisite. Michael

Tracey Van Beck 16 May 2007

Amazing !

Artist Reply: Tracy, thank you so much for your kindness and generous comment. My gratitude. Miguel

Jessica Courtley-Rose 19 Apr 2007


jamie winter 14 Mar 2007

Meguel your work is outstanding and your narratives of such interest to me. Thanks for including the narratives. Your work would be great without the narratives but they help me to understand and learn. jamie

Patty Day 13 Mar 2007

Awesome just awesome!!!!

Tia Antoniades 09 Mar 2007

I love this! Lets hope we can make a difference for the animal kingdom.

julie Marks 04 Mar 2007

Michael, This is such a poignant and stunning painting. My heart breaks when I think of these gorgeous and sentient beings dying due to the ignorance and cruelty of humans. Your painting should be seen by many who need to be educated about this devastating crisis. Your portrait of this gorillas's eyes is so moving and powerful that words alone could never express the pain reflected in this old soul. I love your narrative. You are a such a talented and unique artist. I am so glad you have brought awareness of this critical issue. People like you have the ability to touch people with your art with profound impact. Personally, I am grieving over the loss of innocent wildlife as you must know given my love and respect of animals. I admire your commitment to any cause that can stop these hideous crimes. People with your intellect and sensitive heart have the power to affect others to take action before it is too late. Stunning and exquiste work, my dear friend.

Joanna Jungjohann 03 Mar 2007

Michael, I really really love this!!!

Irena Dukule 01 Mar 2007

Great and sad...

Robin Brown 17 Feb 2007

This says so much more than any words I can muster. We all need to look inwards on the issues of wild life & our planet. We need to do so much more to preserve & protect it. Thanks Miguel; awesome work

Loredana 15 Dec 2006


Leigh Karchner 13 Dec 2006

Excellent capture Michael. It's a shame so many of our wildlife species are in danger of extinction.

Natalie G 13 Dec 2006

Wonderful work, Michael!! Very touching.So much sadness in his/her eyes...they don't deserve it! Very sad reality...

Lucia Stewart 13 Dec 2006

This is awesome Michael, a wonderful and touching image!

Fiona Hooper 12 Dec 2006

I'm not sure I can add much more to what has already been said - just well done for highlighting the sad plight of these wonderful creatures.

maggie Barra 12 Dec 2006

THIS SAYS IT ALL...Turning Inside Out by Wendy LaTulippe It's time to open up our eyes, stop staring at the ground, The only benefit has been the vast loose change I've found. This downcast look as nothing to do with shyness or acting demure- Perhaps time has come to cease brooding and become an active viewer... Slice an apple lengthwise and you will find a star. Watch a lowly creature thrive with just some dirt inside a jar. Look up and spy a bird's nest, against a skyline bleak. Nature's perfect architecture-a nursery made by beak. We humans, we spend so much time in thoughts about ourselves, Accumulating useless things to display upon our shelves. We consume and plan for future, and wrestle with the past, Trade in our spirituality to be superior iconoclasts. Notice the mathematical accuracy in the design of a pine cone. Witness the working society of queen and all her drones. Savor the haunting beauty in the call of mourning dove. Rejoice at blossom from seed dropped by hapless breeze above. We can fret about our mileage, our taxes and our purse. Or perhaps just stop a bit to inhale our surrounding universe. The waves will gently lap the shore whether we are here or not- Creatures creeping back from near-extinction will gladly take our spot. The sun will continue to brightly burn, why not feel it on your face? Earth will rotate just the same without a human race. The dolphins seem to laugh at us, they clearly are amused.. And mountain gorillas stare with knowing eyes, curious and bemused. Pollen kisses flower, old growth gives way to new. A thousandfold of crickets strum without regard to you. We can continue to live our lives in some superior fog, Or agree the world turns as one big wheel and we are not the cog

thea walstra 12 Dec 2006

Very touching and beautiful work Michael. And Chas: a very meaningful comment!

Carrie Ann Watson 12 Dec 2006

Beautiful work, Michael! Such a shame that they are dying, such majestic wonderful creatures they are! You have done very well with this! :)

Chas Sinklier 12 Dec 2006

That is indeed unfortunate that the 3rd world plunders its natural treasures in a desperate attempt to make money selling them to the 2nd world to be used as aphrodisiacs and "natural" remedies... Brings to mind the tragedy of the 25,000 human children who die every single day of starvation and disease - the cure for these injustices is obscure to most of us as we pass international regulations and ship megatons of food, medicine and money to these regions that is usurped by these victims own people to build palaces in the name of vague sovereignty and egomaniacal fanfare. For those among us who have worked these 3rd world killing fields the problem unfolds as so much deeper and more complex than our 1st world hearts and minds can comprehend - so much giving and caring and trying to cure a cultural and social rift so different from our own structure of reason is truly, nearly beyond our keen. The sad truth is for millennia those indigenous to these regions have fed their armies and leadership at the expense of their population - And make no mistake - all mothers love their children as we do whether human or beast, whether it is gorillas or children we must ask - What Then Must We Do? - The answer is help those whom you can reach, right where you are and teach them to help others whom they can touch - sadly one being at a time may be all each of us may do, but that multiplied by each day and by all of us becomes something mighty and the only true solution at human hands for these tragic injustices. It is why were are here... We are here to help one another... Well Michael - your words and your work has prompted that which art is meant to do - create dialogue -:0)

Tabitha Borges 12 Dec 2006

oh those eyes very sweet

Nira Dabush 12 Dec 2006


Christine brand 12 Dec 2006

What can we do...they will not stop hurting them...it makes me so sad the way they kill everything until it is no more...Gotta stop! Gota stop! Great work! Plaster it every where.

bianca 11 Dec 2006

michael incredible work....fantastic....wow

Leah Jaarveth 11 Dec 2006

Michael, this is very touching, I hate paochers, its sickens me everyday to think that people kill such beautiful, wonderful creatures.....