• Sara Patterson
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  • Image 20 of 27
  • Added 07 Apr 2003
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The White Russian

This is the ultamite pun and a test of new coloring methods. He was supposed to be a ferret, but he looks more like an otter.

5 of 8 Comments Show All 8 Comments

Anonymous Guest

25 Feb 2004

How do you do it, how old R U?

Evil Child 27 Jan 2004

ha! i luve the pants and the weapon but i want the pants;;

Suraj Lochan 13 Nov 2003

ack, i thought it was a tiger.. o.o;; but i love this characther, his outfit rocks, hippage! lol i love his lil male hips~ and shoulders... wait, did i just say that out loud? o.o;

Anonymous Guest 03 Jun 2003

HA! How cool!!! You come up with the most creative characters!! His hair is AWESOME! I really REALLY love how you use shades of purple and gray in your work. The look he's giving me makes me feel like he's angry I'm staring! lol! Kinda like, "I'm busy. What do you want!" And the goggles on his head - you can see the reflection off them so clearly. It's SO realistic looking. I wouldn't even know what this guy's story is, but I'm curious! And that gizmo...a blade/compas type thing...it's SO original! And of course, the pants and the shoes...how you have hte pants folded here and there, and the steel-toe boots just make the outfit complete! Your imagination blows me away! Bucky

Emma Goodman 25 Apr 2003

Woooo you have a great style to your art, I really like it ^^ Great colouring too