• Carliss Mora
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  • Added 26 Jan 2006
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God Bless the Child

He visits Uganda in the spring of 2005, and sits in a classroom with students. Since he is the Ambassador of the Education of Children for UNICEF, and once was all set to be a teacher himself, he is happy to fulfill his committments for the organization. In a world far removed from our own, He sees the children are learning, but while there, he learns a lot as well. He cannot believe that he's never been apraised of the atrocities that some of the children there must face each night. He is also bewildered that for nearly 20 years have passed and the USA has not addressed the possibility of intervening to stop the horrifying practices of cruelty to these children by guerilla warriors, who consider themselves soldiers.

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Gregory Edwards 15 Mar 2007

He cannot believe that he's never been apraised of the atrocities that some of the children there must face each night.

Artist Reply: Well, he was not the only one! Now, I do. It's a major International study on the campus where I work, now. All of a sudden about 5 months ago, everyone on campus has found out! Thank you for looking!

Zoe Faragher 03 Jun 2006

Definetly God Bless the children, Carliss this is fantastic, I've just been browsing through your work and you are extemely talented

Artist Reply: Hello, fellow artist, Zoe! Thank you so very much for discovering, commenting, and browsing, through my work, as well. If you like, please include me in your artwatch, and if it's okay, I will include you in mine! I love this interaction with artists all over the world. Hope to again, to be in contact with you,through our mutual gift of creative works!

Ralph Miller 18 May 2006

Ha god bless the children and the beast. Nice image!

Artist Reply: Of course, the beast too! Thanks so much Ralph!

Jerry 06 Feb 2006

Powerful colors!

Artist Reply: Jerry, thank you, although I know it leaves much to be desired. That's okay though, it helped at least 2 people find out about my subject's "other work."

Emily Reed 31 Jan 2006

Full of charm and delight!

Artist Reply: Hi Emily! I'm really happy you like it! Thanks!