• Maria van Bruggen
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  • Image 57 of 133
  • Added 17 Sep 2005
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I am really glad with how this one turned out....there is something so magical and serene....EXACTLY how I wanted it for a cover. Something that will reprpesent essense of the Goddess in general as all the calendar is about different goddesses. I hope you like it :) I will need to wait for approving files from the magazine and than I will be able to place a preorder link for you. Just a little bit more :)... Prints availiable here: http://elfies-world.com/OL-Shop/product_info.php?products_id=285

5 of 10 Comments Show All 10 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 18 Sep 2005

It has a lot of power.

stephanie atlee 18 Sep 2005

This is beautiful and hits hard at the heart of the magic of women...nicely done.

annis ashwell 17 Sep 2005

really pretty, i love all your art work :)

Sarina Renee 17 Sep 2005

I absolutely love this one. The swirls that you did on the background came out great! And the woman is fantastic with the shadows around her face and the gentle detail on her clothing. The goddess symbol is neat how it is connected yet not and the bit of glow to show it has power. Wonderful job on this one. Yet, I love most all of your work anyway. :D

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Sarina!

Renata Cavanaugh 17 Sep 2005
