• Tamara Diaz
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  • Added 12 May 2005
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Che 2003

Ernesto Guevara, more commonly known as Che was born in Argentina in 1928. He was a doctor who left his profession to dedicate himself to helping the poor. A key player in the Cuban Revolution, Che worked closely with Fidel Castro to overthrow Batista in Cuba. Che was murdered in the jungles of Bolivia in 1969 and remains an icon, standing for equality and socialist ideology. While I view the powerful and charismatic image of Che positively, the consequences of his working with the Castro administration have been detrimental to the freedom of the people of Cuba. While Cuba has the highest rate of literacy, and all residents have equal access to higher learning and healthcare, many Cubans still live in poverty. Because of the living conditions and the lack of freedom of expression and speech, many risk their lives at sea to reach American land. In fact, people who oppose the Castro administration are referred to as gusanos and are treated very harshly. While vast equality certainly exists in Cuba today, Castro and a small group of loyalists control most of the wealth. Che was the most complete human being of our age Jean Paul Sartre

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Anonymous Guest

Barbara Beck-Azar 13 May 2005

very peter max like... love this style.. like YELLOW SUBMARINE>